Happy Birthday to Hunter today! And today is his first day of 5th grade! As you can see on the picture he got a new basketball this morning which he was proudly palming. Hunter had a physical this week for his upcoming year of sports and barefoot he is 5’5″ tall. Plus he wears a size 11 men’s shoe and now needs men’s clothing. No more little boy.
Mama Jane was here for a quick visit from Monday night until this morning and now had to get home to continue her constant cooking for the harvest crew and get Joe ready to move to begin college this weekend. I took the day off yesterday and we did some back to school and birthday party preparations in Bismarck with the kids. It was a fun day. This morning Hunter had a early morning birthday breakfast which included a new recipe of “puffy egg bake” and it was a hit. We took him to school with a box full of Popsicles for treats. It is 90+ degrees and windy today. Popsicles sounded better than cupcakes…and easier! Elissa started back at Ora’s this morning after we took Hunter to school. She hasn’t been there since May but she didn’t fuss at all and was down on the floor playing with Ora when we left. She is a lucky girl and is the lone child there today so she will get plenty of love and attention.
Tonight we will have a birthday dinner with Grandpa Eldon and Grandma Carol and of course yummy homemade birthday cake that Hunter requested from Grandma Carol. Hunter’s dream birthday dinner is steak, garlic mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. Nathan will be grilling steaks and I’ll handle the potatoes and corn. Hunter is gearing up for his birthday party Friday when he plans to have a few friends over for a water balloon fight plus we are making giant ice cream sundaes in a rain gutter. It will be a trough of ice cream sundaes for the boys to chow down on and enjoy. Guaranteed fun. Mama Jane and Hunter got started last night on making water balloons. We had forgotten how long it takes to fill hundreds of water balloons and will be working on that each evening to be ready for Friday!
Happy birthday Hunter 11 ára
Greetings from Iceland
Happy Birthday Hunter. Seems like just yesterday we were celebrating your 2nd birthday on Belmont. Which your birthday breakfast that year was a doughnut. Hope you have a great day even though school had to start today.