Welcome 2014. A new year is as white and clean as the North Dakota prairie snow. A new year brings us cheer and new paths to journey. With the sunrise on a new day in a new year, I feel energy for a new day. With the sunset, I feel rest and renewal to keep going after big dreams with deadlines.
We talked about our New Year goals and dreams today around the fire at our cozy cabin on the prairie.
And around the table over a turkey dinner made by Nana, the chat continued.
We ventured onto the lake for our first family ice fishing outing.
Conversation went on among our family. Miss A happily announced it was her HALF birthday today. Being officially four and a HALF makes her taller and stronger and definitely a better fishergirl.
Miss E waited patiently in the New Year for her first fish of the season which she caught and cleaned with Grandpa Eldon. But now our celebrating is complete. The chase after the dreams in 2014 starts tomorrow.
There will be days when we will chase harder and faster than others.
But we have a path to follow.
I might even pull down the old snowshoes I once bought and have always wanted to try to find my way in the new year. However, you travel to find your way, the journey is fresh. The trek will be new. Make the most it.
And don’t forget to have fun along the way.
I love the sunrise photo! I took one of those yesterday, too. Happy 2014 to you and yours!