This beautifully windy Sunday morning on the prairie, I am quickly writing out lyrics with a big fat black permanent marker onto huge sheets of lined paper in quick preparation for Sunday school music today.
Our rural small town church doesn’t have a fancy projector or computer with lyrics. Every sheet of music I have used this year in my first year of helping with music has been from my mother. She has spent hundreds of hours in her life writing out hundreds of songs for our home church. Thankfully for me she shares her sheets of handwritten lyrics. Today though I am writing out new lyrics for the kids to try some songs the kids chose and want to sing. I played a variety of Christian music last week for the elementary aged kids. They chose three new songs for me to write lyrics to and it’s last minute for me to get it done.
Last minute or not, the reason I do it is because I want the music the kids sing on Sunday morning to be relevant to each of these kid’s daily lives. Ultimately, this music will be the songs in their hearts and minds and God willing builds on their spiritual foundation, guidance and faith.
I found a YouTube video last night with the lyrics of NeedToBreathe’s Lay Em’ Down.
May you find the same peace and joy I find in these lyrics.
No matter who you are, where you are, what you are doing…all your troubles…come lay em’ down.
A great song, thanks for the link.
One of my favourites! And I needed to hear it today. Thanks for the reminder.
What a blessing you are to your church! Love it!