There’s a business to manage and run for my husband and a career with crazy travel to toil and plod through for me. Together we parent and hold together the best home for our three children. But about twice a year, we pause for each other and for our marriage.
Because every married couple needs a vacation.
Our vacations tend to be frugal vacations. This time around we used saved up Marriott points for our lodging in Palm Springs, California and Delta frequent flier miles to get us there.
If a frugal vacation isn’t in your budget, having a neighbor or family member take the kids for a weekend so you hang out at home is a much needed and appreciated frugal break for yourselves.
A happy mom makes a happy family, my friend once told me.
A happy daddy is equally important at our house.
Having happiness between both of us is a cornerstone in our home.
What did we do to rejuvenate and enjoy our frugal vacation this time?
Conveniently, it rains wherever we go with out fail…even in the desert. This adds to the frugal aspect of our vacationing as it keeps us from spending too much money on outdoor activities…
like expensive rounds of golf. Although this time, Nathan learned the ropes of golfing a “twilight” round at a reduced cost. Despite the weather and darkness setting in, he thoroughly enjoyed his round. The downside was that while he golfed I sat poolside cuddled in warm clothes talking to a 76 year old local woman who told me where the best shopping was located. The frugal aspect of our vacation seemed to evaporate in the chilly but still powerful desert sun as I began plotting a bit of shopping.
In Palm Springs, we didn’t sleep in, eerily similar to home. We think the Canadian Geese must have recognized us from the prairie. They perched outside our deck each morning honking and honking until we were wide-eyed for the day. They seemed to be letting us know they would soon be returning for their summer vacation to the prairie.
We walked around to enjoy the desert mountain views.
There is no set schedule ever on our frugal vacations. Usually the only set appointments consistent of tee times and massages. This vacation was no different.
We relished and relaxed in the palm trees, sunshine and “no snow to shovel” as Nathan said. We could only see snow in the mountains.
We went to the spa, ate ourselves silly, spent hours visiting with our friends Eric and Nicole who drove over from Los Angeles to spend an evening with us and drank our share of Starbuck’s which is eerily not similar to home. When you live 97 miles from a Starbuck’s having one located in your hotel lobby is a treat. We are frugal all year long by not spending money at Starbuck’s. Therefore we can afford to splurge on Starbuck’s on our frugal vacations. At least that’s how I justify it, “expensive coffee” as my dad would say.
After warming up with Starbuck’s and seeing no one else was willing to brave the Southern California chilled air, we dipped into the water…hot tub only actually but we soaked and took in the solitude.
The flamingoes were napping we noticed. That was our daily cue for a nap unless of course…
our guard goose disagreed that it wasn’t nap time.
Regardless of the rain, chilly temps and guard goose, the not-so frugal after shopping vacation was relaxing.
We laughed our way through our long weekend vacation and loved every minute of it.
I was a bit reluctant to go at all…because…my guilty mom syndrome had kicked it and I could hardly handle spending time away from the kids. But once we were out the door and despite travel delays, I was so grateful for our time together as a couple and for the time the kids get to spend with their grandparents. We are a much more relaxed and happier couple as well as loving parents because we take time to rejuvenate and reload a few times a year together.
What do you do to relax, renew, rejuvenate or reload?
What a beautiful vacation! We go to the beach for R & R! Have a wonderful day!
How awesome for the 2 of you! The goose alarm had me laughing tho! 🙂
Yeah, ever since we’ve had kids my husband and I can’t sleep in either! Lovely photos, thanks for sharing. Hey, we need rain here in Kansas…would you mind taking a vacation here next? lol
What’s a vacation? Oh yeah, it’s everyday here at the farm. 😉
Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. I truly appreciate it!
Jake and I just did this last weekend. Two nights in Reno! And while it was only three hours from home it was the first time we had been without Little Man since he was born. We needed it and we relished the time. The Little Man stayed with very loving grandparents and I am told he was an angel. In the end I think Jake and I realized we have to take time for us and we can’t wait another 12 months to do it. I am already planning the next adult only weekend (it will probably be the next time the casino sends us room comps.)
This is awesome and so important! I wrote about marriage being a contrast to the world in last week’s Faith Fridays post, so this was well-timed. We used to do a yearly vacation. Logistics have prevented it for the past couple, but it’s a goal ever before me. We’ve done regular date nights, though, and I agree that the relationship MUST be nurtured. Everyone benefits, including kids who witness their parents taking time for and loving one another. Good for you! Love the flamingos and other shots — beautiful! In the end, the location isn’t as important as just being together. No snow would be a delightful plus!
Ooo-we stayed there for a night-using Marriott points, too! Hope it was a wonderful time for you!
Sounds like a a great idea. My hubby travels a lot for work, so whenever we travel we cash in his marriott points. We also enjoy finding new restaurants near us as a way to get out and enjoy an evening out.
ahhh i love the mountain pics!
And yes i agree, every couple need their time away from everything, every now and then…
What a dreamy little break! Looks like you had a fantastic time.
Very fun!! It is great to have “couple time”. Looks like you guys had a great time.
that is awesome…so proud of you for doing this for you and your hubby….
Oh, how I envy you! My husband can’t be bothered to take time for a mini vacation, and we could really use it for our relationship.
I’m trying to get him out of the house for a weekend in spring — without Landon.
Dagmar’s momsense
Nice pics! Looks like paradise.
I need to learn to vacation with work travel and not just work the whole time. Than I am just mad at the hubby for having fun while I worked the whole time. Great post!