No, our baby is not walking. But our two year old, Uncle Jim and I did witness some first steps today on the farm.
After church and family dinner at the farm, Miss E wanted to go check cows with Uncle Jim. It also seemed like a good excuse to delay nap time. Great-Grandma Nola is also pictured above but she passed on checking the cows and instead opted for an afternoon nap.
Uncle Jim had told us that a new calf arrived just before we went to church.
When we went to visit her early this afternoon,
we witnessed her getting to her feet for the first time
and take her first steps to her momma for her first feeding.
Miss E was enthralled with the calf experience, as long as she did not have to get too close.
Uncle Jim told her “your mom used to ride on the back of cows when she was your age and we didn’t ask her if she wanted to or not”.
Miss E was impressed, saying “Mom! You ride on cows?”
Yes indeed I rode a bull named Rip (he had a rip in his left ear), bareback down the road and around the ring when I was a very young girl.
Of course the very thought of putting any of my children on the back of a bull or cow terrifies me.
There are no plans…ever…to have our kiddos venture onto the back of a bull for a joyride down the road.
But having our kids see little moments like we did today is worth a thousand words and hopefully will imprint a memory just as lasting as riding on the back of a bull.
Oh, Katie! This is so sweet! Great work on capturing the photos…love it!
How fun!! I love the pictures they are great!!