Between gifts from my mother, mother in law, grandma and sister in law…I have a kitchen with some great cooking tools and gadgets. They make our hectic life easier and food prep simplified.
One of our favorites is the pineapple corer which we used last night. Crank on the corer and you get all the juicy pineapple out in less than 30 seconds.
This gadget should be a standard tool in everyone’s kitchen. Matter of fact, my sister (and Mike) registered for this in their wedding registry and I already gave it to Kirsti for Christmas.
It turns pineapple prep into entertainment and an event for the our kids! And they don’t even know how happy their mama is that they are eating fruit for fun.
Also today…
Happy Birthday to our favorite cattleman Uncle Jim Huso today!
Uncle Jim is my mom’s older brother, not to be confused my dad’s brother also named Jim.
This Uncle Jim plays the same games with our kids as he did with me as a child. He also is really good at teaching kids how to hunt gophers, how to skip rocks on the lake, how to not be scared of yearling bulls running (right at me) and how to haul feed pails to the cattle. But if you are too little to haul feed pails, he put you in one and carry you along to the feed trough.
We love you Uncle Jim.
Happy, Happy Birthday.
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