Some of our non-commenting readers are intrigued and interested in how Nathan and I met. The story where two independent, not seeking a relationship, business travelers accidentally met on a Monday morning, were engaged eight months later, married seven months after that, left corporate America to return to a family business, sold a couple of houses, moved with our son to the prairie, had a baby, built a home, had another baby and now live happily ever after on the prairie. That’s a wrap. You want more details?
I received an email, a Facebook message and a voicemail in the last few days that a few blog readers want to know our story. The request was that we really should tell the story of how we met.
And so this weekend…we will sit down together and reminisce about that early morning flight from Minneapolis to Kansas City on Monday, July 11th, 2005 and how that day changed us both forever. It is our modern-day fairy tale. Some of you just enjoy a good story becuase obviously you already know our story well but want us to share it on this blog. Then there are those who want to know there is still always hope for meeting the man (or woman for my single little brothers reading this post) of your dreams…even on an airplane. And then a few of you have peaked interest because of my profile that says Nathan and I met through “an encounter that only God could have orchestrated”. We will compile with your interest and requests for our story.
Check back early next week for our how we met story.
Check back early next week for our how we met story.
Telling it Pioneer Woman style?
Ha good point Crystal. Maybe that is why suddenly people think they should hear our story on this blog because Pioneer Woman has her story on her blog! Our story won’t be so detailed…and long.
I think its a story that needs to be told because a God ordained miracle happened and the world needs to know what He did!!
Besides, not everyone has such a romantic and exciting story with the ins and outs of a stressed single mom getting on a plane for yet another flight for work and having her life changed by nightfall. Oh, (deep breath) I can’t wait to hear the details again myself.!!
You are the best Katie….and so very awesome….love ya….Rennae J.