She needs her runners on because she is always on the go.
Running with the popper
Playing some tunes
Speed walking with the inherited (from Auntie Lori and Gpa Eldon) Pinke arm swing

ECJ is 15 months old today…I realized while rocking her before bed tonight. It is time I sit down and write a list of all of her words. She is a chatty gal. The list won’t make the blog tonight but…favorite words are the basics of Mama, Dada, Boppa (Grandpa), Nana and clearly HUNTER. Anyone would be able to understand Elissa when she is bellaring “Hunter! Hunter!” when he is downstairs or just out of the room. She demands her brother’s full attention. And he of course is (most always) willing to oblige. Other favorite words are still “All done” and “No”. Thankfully, no is not always the answer and she quickly nods her head “Dep!” for positive yes reply. “Apple” is a new word and that covers off on oranges, apples, tomatoes, green peppers, etc. Most any round, ball shaped fruit or vegetable. Elissa repeats “Baby” at least 80x a day according to Ora (daycare 3x a wk) when new baby Carter is at Ora’s house. And her favorite dog child Charlie is “dog” and Larry the 17 year old lumberyard cat is “cat”. Charlie and Elissa are buddies. She opens his kennel, points and says “dog” and he climbs in and she closes the door. Then she opens it and says “dog” again and he goes running out…of course Elissa has been trained by Nana Carol that she then gives Charlie a treat for doing her trick. That Nana will have both Elissa and the Charlie dog jumping through the hula hoop together in no time.
love, love, love this girl–and the tutu. So cute.
she looks like you as a kid!
she looks like you as a kid!