Can you hear a roar from the North Dakota prairie? March is roaring like a lion with a pending blizzard soon to hit our prairie home. But I am ignoring it for now and downloaded some March photos tonight and found some fabulous glimpses into our Spring moments we have enjoyed this past month. Rather than dwell on forecasted snow accumulations, I am hanging onto these photos to remind me Spring will indeed return again soon.
I love these pictures of our kids.
Isn’t our yard beautiful? I love our flower gardens.
Actually, these are the Disney flower gardens. But in a dream, it is my yard. Someday, I’ll have beautiful flower gardens.
Our yard looks like this in the real world. Brown prairie with hints of pink tractor driving.
The prairie snow is mostly all melted now, at least for the next two minutes until the blizzard hits. Miss E’s attire and pink tractor brighten the prairie on any Spring day!
The skies are filled with snow geese over our house. You can hear them honking all day long and even in the wee hours of the morning laying in bed I can hear the geese in nearby fields. Except for now when the wind is roaring like a lion.
Last Monday, it was Grandpa Eldon’s birthday. The girls had a few extra hugs for Grandpa Eldon and Nana. Hunter wasn’t home yet to enjoy the steak supper Nana made. But we saved a steak for him as he was celebrating a big win after a winter FFA competition. Hunter was the high individual winner in statewide Ag Sales competition!
After a special birthday supper and plenty of cake eating for Grandpa Eldon, the girls put on a “show” for us which meant lipstick and high heels for them. They sang an array of songs. It was a moment to cherish.
This past weekend was the first weekend we were home without anything scheduled on a Saturday in a long, long time. It was 59 F which felt balmy and Miss E went outside with chalk. After supper she said we were going to be on teams and play the games she had for us. When Miss E directs, we listen. She always has an orderly plan. Outside we went for Spring games and “family fun” as Miss E said. It was another moment to cherish.
While March roars like a lion and leaves us with a Spring blizzard, I am hanging onto flowers and family fun we have already had this past month. We are driving into April with pink tractor driving and positive thinking!
March came in extremely cold and I questioned if it really was a lion.
With the low pressure yesterday, we had about a dozen calves from 1:30-dark. We were up all night checking cattle because of the storm.
We had about 1″ of snow at 3:15 am. When we went out at 5:45 we were met with an all out blizzard. March IS going out with a nasty roar.
Let’s pray this is the last hurrah of winter and we will see spring in April.
Fun post Katie! March roared like a lion here is strong winds and thunder-hail (if that is such a thing but that’s what happened!) Glad you had a good vacation and were able to enjoy some nice weather and family togetherness!
Wonderful photos! Especially I loved the last one. Cute kid. Thumbs up (y)