Tonight we had a fundraiser in our small town on the prairie to benefit our local high school basketball program. It was father versus son in our house. The game was the main event of the fundraiser named “Rumble on the Prairie” Old Guys vs. Young Guns.
Hunter and Nathan bantered back and forth ahead of the game. Nathan proved he could still play with the boys (but showed 20 years of rust at the free throw line.)
This is just a sneak peek to what I will share more of this week. It was a fun time. The Old Guys WON 47-45, with some friendly officiating. More than anything, this was small town living with small town fun at its best. That was my highlight. It was community supported with homemade donuts, concessions, a silent auction and laughs had by all. This event demonstrated to me what small towns on the prairie are all about and I left proud of our people and programs…on the prairie.
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