My GriggsDakota mom is a genius. She can out do Martha Stewart any day. This winter she took on making scarves for my sister, my soon-to-be sister-in-law and me. You can find me wearing a scarf just about any day. They add color, flare and dress up my clothes. They also practically keep me warm on the prairie.
My mom was raised by my grandma, who has a college degree in Home Economics/ Textiles. They both are amazing seamstresses. I never caught the sewing gene from them. But I have benefitted greatly from their skills throughout my childhood and now well into my working mom career. In the above picture, Jenn, my soon to sister-in-law and I wore the same scarf to a winter basketball game that my mom, grandparents and uncle (and more family) attended with us.
Almost always when I am speaking (link to blog post highlighting when I spoke most recently in Virginia), I wear a scarf. It adds so much to my clothes I have had a few years. A scarf stretches my working mom wardrobe and budget! The dress I am wearing in the above picture I bought 18 months ago. The jacket I bought two years. The green scarf made it feel new and add a pop of fun color. I could not pull off a green dress but a green scarf? Yes!
I often share my scarves on my Instagram feed. Whether it is out to dinner with our family….
You mom needs an Etsy page! I will never sew, but I would buy these scarves for sure!
I second that!
You did, indeed, rock that scarf in Virginia. Great Color!
As I stated before via FB, I need a scarf education- esp how to tie the darn things. Thanks for helping me along.