Many ladies are from farms while others married farmers, work in the agricultural industry, live in a rural community or have family ties to agriculture. Together they are The Real Farmwives of America and Friends. You may have watched the television series with the glitz, the glam and drama of The Real Housewives series on Bravo. But those ladies don’t have anything going on compared to the The Real Farmwives of America I met last night.
Our gathering was much planned and anticipated. A few have been dear friends of mine through my professional work and others through blogging. What I love the most about these group of women is their transparency, each of their keen abilities to juggle the many balls they have in life, the meals they whip up and the way they keep it real. I don’t think the Real Housewives of Atlanta, Jersey, Orange County or anywhere else can do a tenth of what each of these Real Farmwives of America do daily for their families and selves.
They have careers, daily commutes, kids, bills to pay and laundry to do.
They can talk corporate job responsibilities, big ideas, family farm life, kids’ birthday parties and their love of rural life.
They can talk dairy farms, being a newlywed and bake with the best of them while creating a cake that looks like a Coach purse.
They can talking gardening, canning, cooking with duck, lamb and more.
They love food as much as I do.
And they document their lives behind the lenses of their favorite cameras.
Yes The Real Farmwives of America and Friends are the real deal. Nothing about them is fake. I can vouch and I have verified. Their first project together is teaming with Gooseberry Patch Cookbooks. Between 18 women, they will be each cooking up 10 recipes each from Gooseberry Patch Cookbooks based on what you choose for them to cook.
And guess what?
Despite my sarcasm through the years and my goal of being a big city girl, I landed myself smack dab in the middle of the rural prairie with a husband and three kids. I have found it’s my calling, where I am suppose to be as a mom, wife and woman. I am technically not a farm wife but my mama and grandma are and my great-grandmas and their mothers were. I’m a wife in an agricultural community 100 miles from a Wal-Mart or Starbuck’s. I live and work in farming and food. Plus I need to feed my family. I am a crazed working mom and wife not a chef. But I cook.
For those reasons, I am excited to be one of the 18 women joining in The Real Farmwives of America and Friends in this Gooseberry Patch Cookbook endeavor. Gooseberry Patch is talking on their blog today about this connection and effort. My family is going to love being fed new recipes and then I get to share with all of you!
Please give The Real Farmwives of America a “like” on Facebook, find them on Twitter and share with your friends. This is just the beginning of what these rocking women are going to do and you won’t want to miss a moment with them.
What’s your perception of a “real farmwife”? Or how has that perception changed over the years?
Looks like you guys had a great time! – sorry I missed out!
sounds like a great organization of wonderful, strong women. 🙂
Wish I had been there too! We will just have to continue getting to know each other through our chats here in the blog world until the next time you are in town! Glad you had so much fun!
Wish I could have been there! But it sounds like an amazing time. I’m so glad to be going on this journey with this great group of strong, wonderful women! Just imagine what we can accomplish!
I think that what you ladies are doing is awesome! I am a farmer’s daughter and my mother is very much like all of you. Not a day goes by that I don’t tell her how much I appreciate her! Keep on telling the Ag story ladies!