Post by Kirsti–Katie’s favorite (and only) sister.
Earlier this month I shared Miss Elissa’s bedroom makeover on my blog. Now it’s time for part two; Miss Anika’s restyled bedroom. Let’s start with the before images:
As you can see, the nursery color scheme was yellow, red, white and black. As Anika grew and the room evolved to her bedroom, the crib was replaced with a toddler bed, which was no longer in service.
See that red and white piece of furniture on the right side of the above photo? That is a show box my grandpa won for Katie when she was a kid. It’s intended purpose is to hold tack and gear for cattle or horse shows, but it works great as nursery storage. Anika wasn’t getting the best use of it though so it was time to change it out.
Similar to the plan with Elissa’s room, I wanted to use as much in the room as possible but bring in Anika’s new color scheme of aqua, pink and yellow.
Here’s where we ended up:
Pretty, yes?
We brought in new wall art, night stands, lamps, bedding, curtains, dresser, bench and desk. Basically, the only pieces that remain from the nursery are the bed, rug and rocking chair. The wall color stayed yellow–we only had a weekend to do both rooms after all. 😉
Anika loves her bed. What I mean is she loves to jump on her bed. Jumping on the bed is against the rules (because oh my goodness that wild child would end up with a broken bone if she was allowed to jump on the bed.) Naturally, after being shown the room Anika immediately began jumping on the bed. Thankfully my handy hubby helped remedy the situation…
Yeah, see that poster above the bed? You may think it says “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” but it actually says “No jumping on the bed.” Don’t believe me? Just ask Anika. She’ll even point to the words Uncle Mike showed her.
I think she may secretly want to take the poster down because of its no jumping proclamation, but she still seems pretty happy with the room otherwise.
Another favorite spot is her “new” desk and vanity. This retro desk was downstairs in the play room. I’m told it’s salvaged from a school. The aqua frame made it perfect for the room.
We attached a light-up vanity mirror to the wall above the desk and voila, the workspace doubles as a place to prettify.
And this fancy girl looooves to prettify.
Like a girl after my own heart, she always keeps her (toy) revolver close.
We brought in a flashy pink bench to use as a reading spot.
The love-seat is a perfect place for Daddy and his two girlies to lounge as he reads bedtime stories.
Similar to what we did in Elissa’s room, much of the “new” decor was scavenged from my home, Katie’s house and even our brother Robbie’s place. The love-seat, lamps, poster and bird pillow used to live with me. The black dresser was at Uncle Robbie’s house. The desk, lampshades and many other accessories were found around Katie’s.
I’m thinking I may change out the dresser’s hardware on my next visit. Wouldn’t some fun and frilly knobs be perfect? I’m also on the lookout for the perfect mirror to hang above the piece.
One of my favorite things about this corner is nearly impossible to photograph. I applied glow-in-the-dark butterfly and dragonfly stickers to the wall on the left side of the above photo. They appear to fly from the window and across the wall. During the day, they’re close enough to the wall color to remain undetectable. In the darkness they become a lovely, glowing night light.
Because, you know, the little princesses like to have a bit of light while sleeping.
There you have it, Miss Anika’s big bedroom makeover. We love the transformation from a nursery to a little girls room.
And I think our little diva is quite pleased.
You’re sister does such a great job. I love the bedding and all the bright colors.
Wow! It looks amazing!!!
Indeed those girls are very lucky to have such a wonderful creative Auntie and you did marvelous on both rooms (although I am sure it was a family effort). Lovely!!!!!
Both bedrooms are great! Love them….
Sooo nice. Love the softness of it and all the finishing touches. Great rug and desk area too. She will enjoy growing up in this room.
Another fabulous re-do! WOW KIRSTI IS AMAZING!
I just bought the exact same doors for my home that are in this room!
Love it!