It’s Wednesday. Wordy or Wordless. Link up any post below from now through Christmas Day. Whether you have a photo of food, family, a tradition, favorite decorations or…snow, I’d love to see what you share. It’s definitely beginning to look a lot like Christmas on the prairie at our house, complete with mint brownies and chocolate dipped strawberries…
and Christmas Party Punch which we served at our Christmas Cheer party for a few small business customers and contractors this past weekend. I made extra punch to have frozen and ready to go for our family on Christmas Eve.
Here is our fresh Christmas tree in the living room which I noticed the star is tipped over on top. I have to climb like Spider Woman in the window to get it to stay straight. I think I’m done fighting with it for the season.
This is our little nook in the stairwell…
and my home office has a fresh 9′ tree also in it.
This metal boot I found in a neighboring small town store and I filled it with some fake holly filler in our entry way.
The “Let it snow” sign on the mantle in our living room is a bit of anomaly this year. There is no snow. It’s a very brown and unseasonably warm winter.
Regardless of a white or brown Christmas, I am filled with joy this time of year as I reflect and pause for my faith, family and friends. This year is unique because tomorrow is my last working day with my colleagues as I wrap up my current job. I have learned I am terrible at transitions but it has created many conversations to discuss career and family with clients and friends. I also have sat alone in my home office and forced myself to turn the page into a new chapter of life.
While I reflect and ponder, there is plenty of food to enjoy! (Like this Cranberry Cream Cheese Dip I’ll share with you tomorrow.) Somewhere in the midst of my reflecting, I need to start wrapping gifts!
Love all the Xmas prep you did! Merry Christmas! 🙂
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Join in: Wordless Wednesday Linky Party
your home is lovely! i’d pay money to see the ‘spiderwoman’ crawl! 🙂
NICE BOOT! I love it. Has Nathan grown to like it yet?
Your home is beautiful!! I am glad we finall got our tree decorated this past weekend – seeing your two fully decorated tress would have made me feel pretty guilty!
I am excited for you on this transition – change is hard, but it will be worth it for you and your family!!
You have a tree in your office? Cool! I love that nook.
Maybe I could come over? Just for a little snack? 🙂