Do you ever hear a crash literally or figuratively and panic? Sometimes I mentally crash and know I have too much to do and need to keep going…and panic at that feeling. Then there are the literal crashes. I hit a big whitetail deer last winter while driving one early morning by myself. I panicked but survived just fine. I missed a flight and instead got an extra day at home with my kids. Yesterday morning I heard a loud crash downstairs as I was just about to go downstairs and Nathan yelling “No, no, no!” I panicked as I heard our 9 foot fresh Christmas tree in our living room crash and all I could think it was coming down on Miss A. Miss E was with me. All people were okay as they were eating breakfast. Nathan had turned around in the kitchen to see the tree start to sway, stumble and crash for no apparent reason, other than it is a huge tree. Nathan’s yelling didn’t stop the crash.
Life Lesson: Don’t Cry Over Broken Ornaments
There was a disaster of broken ornaments. I shouldn’t have spent extra money on the 30 new glass ornaments this year.
I should have stuck to the non-breakable, cheaper ornaments that managed to stay on the tree untouched.
Many life lessons ran through my head as I cleaned up and redecorated the Christmas tree yesterday afternoon. No matter the situation in life, one thing I have learned is we just need to pick up the pieces and keep going. It’s not worth crying over broken ornaments.
Sometimes I need to throw away the pieces and forget about them, not hold onto them and try to glue them back together or treasure them for a memory. Instead, just move on from broken pieces and start fresh.
Starting fresh isn’t always the easiest route or most fun. It will never be perfect but starting fresh is often the most rewarding.
Therefore, this holiday season, I am going to embrace joy and won’t be crying over broken ornaments.
TexWisGirl says
a very good message in this for all sorts of situations. thanks, katie! says
I was pretty sure that it was a cat when I started reading and now I have no idea what brought the tree down! I have a few glass ornaments (somewhat special ones) but most of mine are homemade or gifts from special people. Yesterday as I hung the ornaments, I paused thinking about how much love comes from each one and how some had been on my grandmom’s tree for years before she died. I would surely cry if some broke but I would also pick up and move on (mainly cause I have some from her that aren’t breakable LOL).
GenXRecon says
I had a day like yours once…
Only for me, the shiny thing I was so proud of was my brand new little silver Mercedes SLK; 7 days old, and wham – highway dump truck – it was gone in a blink.
Like you, I cried for a few moments… well, days actually -then remembered how grateful I should be for just having been safe, and for the privilege to own and enjoy it for even a brief time.
There is nothing like living the saying “the Lord giveth & the Lord taketh away”, to remember what is REALLY important. DO embrace joy this holiday – and while you are at it, give that husband and kids a squeeze too; they add so much more to our lives than a glass ornament… or a Mercedes.
Katie @Pinke Post says
I tweaked it @JP for you. No major apparent reason for falling other than it’s a huge tree. My “sentimental ornaments” are handmade by my kids and a few from my childhood and they thankfully weren’t on this tree. Those are tucked away on our downstairs tree. I have a few fully decorated trees!
Farmchick says
A nice lesson in this post.
LindaG says
Very good post. *hugs* ♥
Lisa @ Two Bears Farm says
It’s been years since I’ve used the glass ornaments on my tree, because of the boys. The glass ornaments were my grandmother’s and are kind of sentimental, so I’ll wait until they’re older.