My mother-in-law’s cooking eases my anxious mind |
I came home last night to my family being fed. My flight was late so I missed sitting down to eat with them but waiting for me was a homemade feast. If I travel on business, my mother-in-law cooks for our family. It’s not an average meal as you can see either. It’s from scratch and it allows our kids to sit down with their dad and grandparents, developing close knit relationships they wouldn’t have had if we lived where my employer’s offices are or if we had stayed on my husband’s corporate wheel career.
The kids are happy. We are happy. How can you not be happy eating Nana’s double chocolate cake? My laundry is not done. My house is not clean.
(Please note the bruises on Hunter’s arms are a result from his football game.) |
But when I come home to my kids and their laughter as they play on the floor of Nana and Grandpa’s house along with a full family meal made by mother-in-law, my working mom anxiety releases. What a working mom comes home to matters. I am thankful for what I come home to every day.
What helps ease your mind during hectic times?
Linking up today with The Wife of a Dairyman for Thankful Thursday…
Tomorrow I am going to be featuring a list of my favorite blogs that I read often. Over the long weekend, I have not one but two recipes to share. Broccoli and Swiss Casserole from Gooseberry Patch and the Rhubarb Blueberry sauce that we just made with the last of a summer crop of rhubarb a friend shared with us.
great post. what a great family you have there. squeeze that mother-in-law for me! 🙂
Great post. Where would we be as working moms without our support network? I am forever grateful for my daycare provider, my friends, and Lauren’s Dad. I feel pretty blessed that he is such a help and always willing to arrange his schedule to allow me to make my work life possible.
Really wonderful that you have this family support system. I teach and take my kids to school with me each day and am there if they need me. However, my laundry remains unfinished (a lot) and my house is still not clean! My son also has a few of these bruises from football:)
That is awesome, what a great family you have.
Love the photo of your son and daughter; so sweet. And I’m so glad you have such an awesome support, Katie. That certainly does make all the difference! You really have the best of both worlds in a lot of ways. I’m glad it works for you!
It really does take a village to raise a family. I’m a work at home mom and I depend on my parents and my in laws a lot. They are our support system. My kids are better for it as well!
Thanks for your post. Where would any of us be without a support system? And you totally deserve yours! Thanks for being who you are!
It sounds like you’re in good hands!
As a full-time working mom myself, I know I couldn’t do it without the help of my parents and mother-in-law. And, my boys are so lucky to get to spend their days at my parent’s dairy learning all the same things I did growing up. Like you, I am truly blessed to have them as my support system!!
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We have so much in common, and you reminded me that I need to give my inlaws a very big hug the next I see them (which will be tomorrow when we drop off the kids to have a date). I work from home and travel quite a bit too. We are so lucky to be able to have professional lives while knowing our families are well cared for. Here’s to “Nanas” everywhere!
Katie, you are blessed to have the loving support of your family around you. Good choice, my friend. Because even when the traveling is tough, the chocolate cake is sweet–and so is the comfort of those you love loving each other. Good choice…