With Daddy and the teenage brother having an evening out at a Pheasants Forever banquet, it left the girls and I at home to have a girls night. Miss E declared it was time we have a tea party and then paint our toe nails.
Inside activities were mandatory as Spring played a trick on us yesterday. A nasty trick. A foot of fresh wet snow. I could yell, scream and cry and I may still but instead…
today I enjoyed a day at home, inside, watching Miss E make a wreck of the play kitchen. Nice to see she has inherited my kitchen skills.
I made myself some real tea and Miss A made sure she added some “milk”.
The girls opted for their big brother’s Powerade they found in the little fridge near their play area. It was quite fancy to them.
We visited and sipped.
Miss E asked me two questions I don’t ever want to forget. I have to blog about them or I will forget.
First question:
“Mommy, do you have God’s number? You know, if I want to call him.”
I reassured her she could pray anytime and God would be listening to her but I agree a quick phone sometimes would be much easier. Speed dial would be even better.
Second question:
“Mommy, is Jesus watching Santa Claus and Santa Claus is watching us?”
Now this one I paused and said, “Actually Jesus is always watching us, He even watches over Santa Claus.”
She paused and said, “Okay, but Santa is watching me too, right? So I always have Jesus and Santa?”
Yes, Miss E, you have both, sweet girl.
During our conversation, Anika and Elissa kept watchful eyes on their babies who also attended the tea party with us.
Earlier in the day, the girls helped me make cupcakes and they were the main course of tea party fare. Miss A even gave Baby Ava a try before…
enjoying the rest for herself. Baby Ava didn’t seem to mind.
There are a hundred ways I could have spent a Saturday but this indeed is my most favorite way, a tea party with my favorite toddlers. Less laundry got done. The only floors that were vacuumed or cleaned was what my (helpful) husband did before he left. Instead 20 little toes are painted on two little girls, books were read and tea was sipped over lasting conversation.
What’s your favorite way to spend a Saturday?
First, I am so sorry you have to deal with more snow. We just had flurries, and I about started packing my bags to head south!
We had a project day yesterday morning followed by a rather lazy afternoon, then off to a steak dinner served by a small town fire Dept. What a great way to raise money! (and it tasted even better because someone else cooked it!).
My dad is big in to his local Pheasants Forever group, and we maintain bird ground and habitat for them to nest safely. Such beautiful birds!
Gotta go get Little Bear up now, or we will be late for church!
what a great day with those two tea party cuties! i’m not sure there’d be anything better. laundry and floors can wait…
gee, i like your idea for one of those ‘hotline’ phones to God – you know, the red ones that you don’t even have to dial – as soon as you pick it up, you’re automatically connected… 🙂
I have tears in my eyes as I read this. What a perfect way to spend the day. They grow up WAY to fast. Fun!! Love ya!
My favorite way to spend a Saturday is right here on our farmette. I hate to leave to even run to the store. Sounds silly, but after a busy week of work and kid stuff, its always just what I need. So nice that you have this time with your girls.