Blogging takes time away things I should be doing late at night or early in the morning. I could be sleeping or folding laundry. But instead, I blog…and then sleep and put off folding laundry. I was thinking about why I blog yesterday and shared with my colleague that it really comes down to 4 core reasons.
They are 4 F’s of why I blog.
When the internet was shut off in Egypt a few weeks ago one reason really hit me on why I blog. Freedom.
I blog because I have the freedom to blog. I take freedoms every day in our country for granted. But I had never though about my freedom to blog and read blogs until the news headlines hit me about the thought of not having that freedom. I love blogging. It connects me to an outside world and perspective that I wouldn’t have known with out blogging. I connect with people like me and completely different than me. I have freedom and am so thankful for it.
I blog for farming. I work to advocate for agriculture, for the voice of the family farmer and rancher to be heard.
As an adult I have learned my passion for farming is deep and rather than run from my generational roots and history in farming like I did as a teenager and young adult, I have completely embraced it.
I blog because I want normal moms like me to connect to family farmers and ranchers.
You can know our family farm where my mom blogs from 5 days a week and shares our family farming story. I also want you to know the thousands of American and Canadian farmers I know. I trust them. Many are friends.
They live in different places and raise different crops.
Dairy farmers. Almond farmers. Honey bee farmers. Sugar beet farmers. Cotton farmers. Peach farmers. Rice farmers. Egg farmers. Cherry farmers. Beef ranchers. Lettuce farmers. Hog farmers. Blueberry farmers. Flower farmers and many, many more.
I have met enough farmers and seen enough farms and ranches to know they are not hiding anything from us. I read farm blogs to stay connected with farmers. They are the hardest working people I know and they are raising the safest and healthiest food in the world. Speaking of…
I blog for food. Not literally do I blog to put food on our table and feed the mouths in our home. Thank goodness. We would be hungry.
But I do blog because I love food and preparing it for our family. I am not a fancy cook. Matter of fact, I am not much of a cook at all. But my family needs to eat. Other blogs teach me daily about food and how best I can efficiently cook for my family. Knowing where the food came from or how it was raised is important to me as a mother and wife. By having the freedom to blog and the freedom to read blogs, I know more farmers and I know much more about food.
But the very reason I ever started blogging remains.
I blog for my family, to capture our moments and memories, to connect with other families and share in our lives.
Blogging has made our family stronger. We are more connected across generations and states. Because I blog for my family I have connected to others like you who blog about the same type of family joys, struggles and moments that we have experienced. By reading about other families on blogs, I am more grateful and humbled by the blessings we have as a family. It has strengthen and renewed me as a wife, mom, daughter, granddaughter, sister, cousin and friend to blog for my family.
Freedom, Farming, Food and Family, all are parts of who I am, why I blog and read blogs daily.
Why do you blog?
Prairie Mother says
Great post! I love your blog and your 4 F’s…keep it up.
I blog for family, education and creativity.
Leontien says
Yeah!!! great post!
I loved your 4 F’s!
Gadda start thinking about my F’s…. or entire alfabet…
Beverly@Beverly's Back Porch says
What a wonderful post. I love reading other cooking and farming blogs. Farmers are a special people. Most people have not idea of the joys and hardships living on a farm brings. I’m so happy I found your blog. Thanks.
Anonymous says
…you could add another one —for friends! Marilyn
texwisgirl says
Loved this! Truly! I would probably run with C’s. Communication (with friends and family), Comments (both giving and receiving), Community (as I truly love this cross-blogging community I’ve stumbled into), Comraderie/Kinship, Closeness (as I’ve discovered a much smaller world by sharing in lives across the country and around the globe).
Lora says
I think you are a good cook… You always cooked me good meals when we lived together in Fargo!!!
amy g. says
Thank you Katie. Great post.