I pre-ordered The Pioneer Woman’s Black Heels to Tractor Wheels. Early yesterday morning I grabbed it off the side table and threw it in my bag as Nathan and I departed our home for an long weekend together. Due to a series of travel delays from fog, a diversion to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, missed flights and no internet access, I had reading time. I barely put the book down to drink Coke Zero or use the bathroom. I wasn’t just captivated by the story because I have been a reader of PW’s blog or avid user of her cookbook. Instead, Ree Drummond aka The Pioneer Woman has a love story that resonates with me through layers of my life.
It’s the love, passion, thinking you have a plan that gets completely uprooted, being swept off your feet by the man of your dreams when you aren’t expecting it and certainly knowing that the love of your life is taking you in a different direction than you had plotted and planned. It all resonated with me.
The intertwining of food, prairie, cowboys, farm and ranch life, cows, faith, financial struggles, family crisis and entry into motherhood that all is amidst the love story connected with me. From cows in her front yard which my mom and grandma know well and I have had a few strays from the pasture next to our yard to living in a tiny house together as newlyweds to the hard working husband that works from sun up to sun down, the story captivated me from the experiences Nathan and I had dating and in our five years of life together.
While our story isn’t Ree’s story it’s the connection points that had me not putting the book down. When I read the last page I had plenty of flight time left to about what brought me to this book. The power of a friendship gave me the Pioneer Woman’s cookbook, social media connected me to Pioneer Woman’s blog and to many dear friends who have the same passion and love for family, agriculture and food like she does. It was love that the captivated me by my now husband who literally bumped me out of my first class seat six years ago and swept my off my feet in a fairy tale romance I could not have written or dreamed. It was the love I felt yesterday while reading the book that had me grateful for the friendships, the power of social media to connect me to dear friends and blogs like Pioneer Woman’s, the book Black Heels to Tractor Wheels and more than anything to have my own love story that isn’t captured in a novel but is alive and well on the prairie or right now on a southern California golf course where my husband is golfing and I am sitting by a pool in the sunshine. Thank you Marriott points.
Have you read Pioneer Woman’s book? If not, I have a copy you can borrow or purchase it here. To my girls that are Indiana and Ohio farm wives road tripping to see Ree in Cincinnati today, please gush and share all about it.
I may have to read this, it is getting such good reviews. I have been a reader of Ree’s blog for some time and know a bit about her romance.