Yesterday Hunter had quite a fan club at his basketball tournament.
Longtime friends and
family all watched
Hunter play.
My brothers, sister, her fiancee Mike, my grandpa Sonny, plus Nathan, Anika and me and plus more family and friends were all there to cheer on Hunter James.
The Lightning won two exciting games and lost one game, a close game in which Hunter had foul trouble very early in the game. Foul trouble builds character.
For being age twelve, Hunter has a good understanding of how special and unique it is to have generations of family attend his events and activities. He has a good understanding because Nathan has given him examples after examples of how fortunate he is to have this life experience. Nathan did not have his grandfathers at his childhood events, much less his great-grandfather as Hunter did this weekend.
Our extended family is such a part of Hunter’s daily life. Family helps define who he is, shapes how he thinks and what he expects from life. Hunter’s family fan club builds his character in more ways than basketball or foul trouble ever will. We want his family life to be something he appreciates and truly values. Hunter has this life experience and expectation because we chose to raise our family on the prairie, near our family. And after weekend like this one we can directly see why we live where we live and how positively it impacts our children. It adds a depth and richness to our life. It is authentic and genuine. Hunter has the most loyal fan club a child could ever dream. And for that we are all blessed.
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