Before stopping at the lumber yard, we stopped at a fruit truck that was selling lugs of Washington cherries. Cherries are my favorite fruit. And all morning today my mom has been pitting, cutting and freezing fresh cherries for us to have on hand. My mother is a gem. We are feasting while she is here as cooks up fantastic meals. Hunter and Elissa love having 24/7 time and attention with their Mama Jane (or Mayme as E calls her). It gives me plenty of time to cuddle Anika, attempt to her to feed more often and sleep just a little less plus my mom keeps me on strict “resting” orders to recover. I NEVER thought I would say I wanted a baby to sleep less but this baby girl is a sleeper which is lovely as long as she is getting plenty of nutrition too!

Eldon has a new office (with plenty of work on his desk). Nathan also has a new office and once we have his new art and pictures hung I will show you his home away from home.
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