My forever friend Sara, her hubby Scott and son Sam, welcomed Lucas Owen to the world on Tuesday morning. Lucas is a healthy baby boy and home with his family now. Today in my email inbox were a couple pictures with Lucas and the flowers I sent Sara (a girl always needs flowers especially after laboring!). Lucas looks perfect doesn’t he? Welcome Lucas! We love you. And I am going to find a way to road trip in the next two weeks to meet you. I will need a lot of bathroom and stretch my leg breaks but it will be easier now than later. I cannot wait to hug sweet Lucas!
Yesterday I was in Fargo and had comments from co-workers to the office janitor to the Sam’s Club check out lady on how big I was. Here are a few comments that made my day:
“Are you sure you don’t want some help out with this cart? I do not want you going into labor in the parking lot.”
-Sam’s Club check out lady
“When is that baby due? (My response: I have at least another month or so.) Well, I think it is coming sooner than that!”
-Office janitor commenting to me while I am in the bathroom
“Are you sure there is only one in there?”
-Comment from two different co-workers
I also got that comment at church last Sunday.
I would much rather have a big belly with a healthy baby in it than all the other problems that can happen in a pregnancy. Our past experience with both Hunter and Elizabeth is that big bellies make big babies and that is our prayer and goal. However for the next 5 weeks or so, I do need BIGGER maternity shirts!
oh, sweet Lucas! So fun…and funny about the comments. I remember getting crazy looks when I was on the eliptical machine for 1 hour the day before I delivered Rody…(don’t laugh, kate…I did not eat a salad that day)..but I am sure people were just hoping my water didn’t break right then and there!!!
oh, sweet Lucas! So fun…and funny about the comments. I remember getting crazy looks when I was on the eliptical machine for 1 hour the day before I delivered Rody…(don’t laugh, kate…I did not eat a salad that day)..but I am sure people were just hoping my water didn’t break right then and there!!!
Oh, and your porch looks fabo! I seriously would love to come visit you sometime…I miss the North Dakota summers!!!
Oh, and your porch looks fabo! I seriously would love to come visit you sometime…I miss the North Dakota summers!!!
Yeah…my favorite when I was pregnant with the boys was in March (I wasn’t due until July…)
Gordman’s checkout woman who is also pregnant and happened to be due in July too:
“That baby must be due any day!”
Me: “no maam, not until July.”
Her: “oh, I am glad I am not as huge as you, I could never handle it!”
Me: blank stare.
fun times. fun times.