First I was given my requested Mother’s Day gift of black dirt. I planted perennials which hopefully will come up and then I’ll show you the Shasta Daisies, Painted Daisies, Lavender, Oklahoma and Queen Elizabeth roses, Carnations, Lilies and others I have planted. Gma Nola’s advice for northern climate gardening was “don’t get too attached to anything because not a lot grows well here”. But she then reinforced that the south side of our house in the our banana belt location would be the best chance for my plants to make it! Later this summer when we plant grass we will put in some pavers and shape the flower bed.

I voted on no stairs and Nathan was relieved. Unless Miss E wants to get married in 30 years at our house, her daddy then will build her stairs to walk down to her wedding. Until then we are going with the largest outdoor play pen we can have for our kids! Kiddos can come in from the yard through the basement or around through the front door or garage and not come stomping through with muddy shoes onto the deck and into the dining room. We hoping it is high enough so the summer bugs won’t find us.

Some of you asked what product we used on our porch which is now the same product as our deck. It is considered a “green” building product of weather best decking. Nathan can sell it to you! It is weather proof which we need and is made from recycled products such plastics and tires. It comes in four color choices and we are using brown. Even more beautiful because it is maintenance free. So now you have my testimonial, free of charge advertising for weather best decking.
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