My brother Robbie graduated from college last Saturday. Yes he is a college graduate. I have teased him about college through the years as he changed majors several times. Big sisters tease little brothers. Besides finding his true career calling and earning an elementary education degree, Robbie played basketball, sang in the concert choir, assistant coached/ recruited two years of very successful women’s college basketball program and is the best student fund raiser his college has ever had. The guy can sell. He raised thousands of dollars for his college through alumni donations, organized concert choir fundraisers and tours which included a trip to Italy a few years ago. We watched him as head basketball coach of the junior varsity girls basketball team this year and also immerse himself into recruiting for the varsity team for the past few years. Robbie never lacks enthusiasm. He had the total college experience. And he now is off to live his “adult” life which first starts doing his usual summer routine of farming with my dad then onto his career path of teaching and coaching beginning in the fall. 
The four “kids”. We all grew up and WOW does that make me feel old.
No we do not have a new sister. It is not a random filling in for our sister. It still our favorite Kirsti. She just is having fun playing with hair color.
The whole clan gathered after the graduation luncheon. I showed this picture to a few co-workers this week. One said “And you would never know your mom is 5’10” and she looks short!”. True. Anyone under 6’0″ looks little in our family pictures. Can you believe how tall Hunter has stretched this year?
Kirsti’s boyfriend Mike also graduated from college the same day. Although he has been in the work force as a police officer since last fall, he walked through graduation after a night shift.
Hunter and his favorite uncles. Or as my brother Joe says “Hunter you’re my brother from another mother.” Classy line. It is a brotherly bond they have.
Miss E enjoying her big girl lunch on a real plate. Yummy. To avoid a toddler melt down and a pregnant mama not being able to sit still for very long, we did not stay for the graduation ceremony. But after graduation, Kirsti hosted an open house bash at her house for Robbie, attended by family, friends and professors. Kirsti’s last season of college volleyball begins this fall and then she will graduate as quite an academic achiever with a couple of majors and a few minors. This is a girl who tells me she is “bored” with only 15 credits and prefers taking 19 or so credits each semester. I hope that characteristic rubs off on our kids in college!

No we do not have a new sister. It is not a random filling in for our sister. It still our favorite Kirsti. She just is having fun playing with hair color.

Cute, cute, cute! Your sis is a stunning brunette and I can’t believe how much Hunter looks like Robbie.
Cute, cute, cute! Your sis is a stunning brunette and I can’t believe how much Hunter looks like Robbie.