Remember all of the snowy, long winter photos I posted from November through April? How I wished and dreamed for summer? Well summer time is rolling out now. The lawn is being mowed. I am potting flowers this weekend, creating a flower bed, finally planting some perennials like Shasta daisies, carnations and many others and back yard deck building begins early tomorrow with Nathan and his dad planning on getting done in three days, weather permitting.
Summer time is official also for Miss E who had her first ice cream cone this week. She was too busy for me to really catch her eating it. We went to our local seasonal ice cream stand…like the old time, small town, Tastee Freeze. It sits right along our main drag highway through town. They serve up great burgers, onion rings and every type of ice cream treat you dream of during the long winter. Elissa was thrilled with her first treat. Vanilla soft serve was yummy!
Blurry shoe…she is always on the go.

Elissa is always on to something else, to her next adventure or idea. She only has so much time for even ice cream. Or as she shortened it up “Ire!” I am sure we will be enjoying many more “ire” cones this summer.
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