I’m not much of a sleeper. And early morning exercise used to be a part of my routine. Now that our water and mud seems to be disappearing and spring is slowly arriving, I have been attempting to get into the mindset to do that again. This morning rather than set my alarm for an early morning walk, I had darling daughter bellowing (she has my vocal ability) “MAMA MAMA MAMA” at 5:06AM. After trying to rest together in her room, Elissa spotted some light in the sky coming from a little window (the one with only a valance and no blinds!). She sat up and said “No nigh night!” in a very excited little voice. Indeed her day had begun. And so had mine. Light in the sky means no more nighttime, no more trying to sleep. It is full steam ahead today for Miss E and anyone who will follow.
Morning hair and still a crusty noise but all smiles. I have loved cherry print since I was a young girl. I even wore a cherry print dress for my senior high school pictures (along with my classic Jennifer Aniston shag hair cut…love that 90’s hair!) . These jammies of E’s are cheery and bright even on a early Monday. They make me smile.
Elissa can of course read aloud at age sixteen months. Okay we are working on that but she does love books like her big brother. Hopefully she will enjoy writing required book reports for school more than her big brother does.

Here is a batch of random comments for you to relish:
I can’t wait to hear what those names are!
What a sweet little girl Miss Elissa is!
And of course, Yay for Spring!