Nathan hauled this in the house tonight to install it. He said it is his gift for me…hardwood flooring from Norway. Our new home…unfinished but we are happy to be home. Yes that is Nathan and his dad on the roof on Sunday afternoon…finishing the chimney. Exciting times when the microwave was installed. Local appliance couple only delivers to the garage. And thankfully we have someone who can install. Dad–you would be in trouble if your appliance people did not install. Happy dance C’mon on over for a visit Hunter says “I love vacuuming saw dust every day”
Moving chaos Moving help The absolute only day we have had any moisture…it misted on the day we moved. (Of course old man neighbor Ben from across the street at the rental house stood and watered his grass in the rain and watched us load boxes. I bet he misses us.) The work just about killed little brother Joe Happy girl in the morning in her new home…don’t you love the construction zone in the background? Give us a couple weeks and we’ll be more settled. For now we are really enjoying having all of our stuff under one roof and are slowly unpacking boxes. Today Kirsti and Hunter unpacked and organized his new “Georgia Bulldogs” bedroom. And yesterday Kirsti and I filled kitchen cabinets. Kirsti is the key unpacker. At a very young age she asked me if she could “organize” my nail polish bottles. And now many years later she is here helping me organize a lot more than nail polish bottles.
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