Fun visit from friends…last weekend our friends Tom and Michelle and their kids surprised us with a visit. It is a long haul for them to just drop by and we were thrilled. Next fall they’ll be back we hope for some hunting for the guys and Michelle and I can do what we do best–talk.
Yesterday, we all watched Joe graduate from Dakota Prairie High School. Joe attended Northwood School since 1st grade after our family was flooded out of Grand Forks. Last August, the day before Joe’s senior year, a F4 tornado struck Northwood and destroyed his school and much of the town. Joe spent his senior year at a neighboring school, Dakota Prairie. Joe’s advice in his senior class scrapbook was “Try hard because in the end, it matters”. Pretty good advice! We had a grand party at the farm to celebrate. Hunter reminded us he is next to graduate in eight years. It pangs our hearts to think of it so we are going to take it all in and enjoy every moment.
Today we did a furniture exchange at the farm. Returned the furniture we no longer need for the younger siblings and Mama Jane sent us packing with some beds, chairs and children’s books for our new house. The moving has begun! Nathan says it is “ready or not here we come” for the house. It is not done but close enough for us to live in it by the end of the week. We will have bedrooms, bathrooms and an operating kitchen. Nathan and his dad have worked endlessly on the house. Now his mom is over there helping us clean. And this week Kirsti and I will get as much done as we can before “the boys” come to help move the big pieces. My brothers and Kirsti’s boyfriend Mike will be a huge help. Joe said the other day, “Katie I have moved you so many times that it would have been a lot easier if you would have lived in a RV for the past five years”. So here is to our LAST move…we hope for the next decade(s). Our deal is to only plan ahead ten years. But truthfully we hope to grow old and gray in this home together. Nathan will be the only gray one though. I am staying blonde.
What great pictures. Seems like just yesterday I was changing Joseph’s diapers. I think that Hunter is starting to look more like his Uncle Robbie. Good luck with the move. I will be there soon to organize your closet.
Love all the updates and pictures- so fun to read! And hilarious about the gray hair- fyi–I have quite a bit now- will you teach me how to dye my hair as well? I need help with these things, Katie!