We have a sweet second-grader in our home. She’s sincere, sensitive, thoughtful and cares for others more than any other child I have known. She is Miss E. Today we went to Miss E’s second-grade program where her music teacher Mrs. Wolff combined Valentine’s Day and President’s Day into one celebration of songs and every student had multiple lines.I see Miss E differently as a middle child than I did her brother at the same age ten years ago. I am a more seasoned mom. I know I cannot keep her from being hurt by the harshness of the world. I cannot bottle up and keep her sweet self at this delicate, young age. She is growing up, maturing and becoming her own strong girl. I snapped some pictures from the program in the music room this morning and wanted to share them before they get lost in deep dark hole of digital pictures in folders.
After years of pony tails only and once in awhile a braid, Miss E decided yesterday she was going to start wearing her long hair down. I had to take the above picture to document how long it is as she stood back to back with her friend and classmate Cami!
I remember my second-grade teacher, Mrs. Davidson at Lincoln Elementary. I know all of these kids will cherish their time with Mrs. Deile, their second grade teacher. I loved their sweetness shared towards her in the program.
If I can’t keep Miss E and all of her classmates at this sweet age for a little bit longer I at least want to remember them singing. “We are proud to be Americans” and “Everyone smiles the same language” are two songs still singing through my head.
I love second-graders learning music, citizenship and respect and still want to bottle up their sweetness to share with the world!
Happy Friday, friends! Do you have a favorite school program memory?
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