On the twelfth day of Christmas in 1979, I arrived, the first-born to my young parents which makes me 37 years old today. I told my parents on my 18th birthday I was pregnant with Hunter. I knew he would graduate from high school when I was 37 years old. It sounded like a really old, boring person’s age.
Here I am. I don’t feel especially old. And I hope I am not boring.
Last night I sat in a gym 27 miles from our home to watch our son and his boys basketball team win their first district game of the season. Hunter had a big game. It would not have mattered if we had not won. A total team effort and a birthday eve I hope I never forget.
Then in true basketball family junkie fashion, we came home to watch the game AGAIN. The game was televised and replayed. (They won again!) The best part of local games being televised for me is my family in other parts of the state, like my grandparents in their farmhouse watch Hunter without having to venture hundreds of miles in the winter. Although Grandpa says he is coming to one game this winter. He turns 91 in two weeks and we hope it happens!
Through the years my mom has blogged on my birthday. While she has taken a blogging break, this morning I woke to look back at pictures she posted here and here. (Thanks Mama for scanning in old pictures and blogging them!) I’m sharing a few today to look back at a full and beautiful 37 years.
The coloring looks like something our youngest Anika would do today but the picture of me looks more like our daughter Elizabeth.
My mom ALWAYS made my birthday special with homemade cake and goodies. Look at the basket made from chocolate. She’s a North Dakota gourmet! (I shutter at my horrid pink glasses.)
Mrs. Karner taught me years of piano and tolerated me when I quit in ninth grade to go throw discus and shotput in the State Track instead attend my last recital. She is a driving reason why piano for our kids is non-negotiable. It’s required and a lifelong skill greater than any sport for 99.99% of people. I’m going to give some slack to top professional athletes. But honestly I think everyone should learn music, sing and play!
I am from a big ol’ family who love me for who I am, cheer me on, encourage, rally, hold me accountable and thankfully mostly roll their eyes at my idiosyncrasies. I would not be where I am today or who I am without the army of family alongside of me.
Speaking of the army of people alongside me, many are family. Some are wonderful friends who have known me “forever” and fabulous new friends I’ve met along the way. I love what each of you bring into my life.
I want this hair back from my late 20’s. It’s not boring. I don’t need the shine though.
And I wouldn’t mind my tan back either, minus the fake baking to look good in my track uniforms and swimsuits. Worrying about looking good in a track uniform or even swimsuits are in the past. But I work to stay healthy (and not be boring.)
I’m content to spend all the years of life next to this guy, living life, raising kids, working together. I hope it’s at least another 37 or 47 years because on my birthday he brings me coffee in bed. Or most any day of the year. But today coffee in bed included cash and he said “Go have fun today.”
I will. My friend and I are taking a couple of hours away from laundry, life and kids for coffee and massages today!
I’m off to live life at age 37 and it won’t be boring. Oh and since it is the twelfth day of Christmas, I am going to start addressing my Christmas cards aka New Years cards in between THREE more basketball games this week.
Happy Birthday to any other Epiphany born friends!
Happy Birthday! I was born in 1976 and I couldn’t help but notice your shirt with the cherries at the top. I had that shirt in a different pattern. My mom purchased that shirt and it was the bane of my existence because it itched my neck to no end because of the scalloped collar! It must have been just me cause you look quite content! I never forgot that shirt, thank you for the flashback:)