Miss A’s favorite part was roasting hot dogs with Daddy. Camping has been an acquired activity for me. It came with love and marriage. My husband loves to fish. Therefore, my husband love to camp and fish. It has evolved with children. We do more camping now and less fishing.
Our camping has evolved. I am not a “roughing it” camper. Therefore a good mattress, protection from the elements, hot shower and electricity are general likes I have when camping. My husband has exceeded those camping minimums for me. Therefore, I camp and fully love the get away of it. Camping is like family bonding on steroids for us. We read, play games, spend times outdoors, ride bike and oh yes, fish. This weekend brought fishing success which I will definitely have to share later this week. Nathan would be disappointed if I don’t share fresh walleye photos with you.
Aside from access to fresh walleye fishing, we have staked out a new camping spot on the prairie. The sunset view is our favorite. We are in the midst of building what my father-in-law first called a “summer kitchen” and now calls “the bunkhouse”, but there aren’t bunks in it. As my husband says, it is the size of a “small garage”. Either way, it is ours and our camping will be take place next to “the little cabin on the prairie”, as I call it. Inside the little cabin on the prairie will be a cement walled bathroom (aka storm shelter) plus room for family and friends to gather for meals, laughs, s’mores and sunsets.
For now our only visitor to the little cabin on the prairie has been sweetly singing robin but she joined many other bird species singing and calling, which definitely added to the camping bliss.
Later today, I’ll be posting the marinade I concocted for grilled chicken while camping this weekend. Citrus and spicy. And yummy. I’ll be back in my post-camping Monday bliss.
Enjoy a blissful day!
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the first shot is definitely ‘camping bliss’. 🙂
I love camping! Like you it came with my husband. When we camp it usually involves a weekend get-away trail ride. Since Wade and I don’t own a horse trailer – we bum off his parents sleeping in the back (after we clean it out) or in tents.