The reason I blog at times is to remember the moments. Today was one of those moments. Easter morning on the farm starts early with the 7AM sunrise service. We enter the unlit church, in darkness like we left it on Good Friday. The sounds of the timpani rumbling from the balcony of the church represent the tomb being rolled away and Christ rising to heaven. My dad comes out of the side door at the front of the church and removes the black drape he placed over the cross on Good Friday. As he uncovers the cross, we all see the cross is now covered in white lilies. Then a trumpet fanfare with the church choir entering to “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” starts and the church lights up. It’s the Easter tradition I am accustomed to but this morning by chance I captured the anticipation of Miss E, with my mom holding Miss A as the timpani rumbled in the dark church.
Sometimes when I worry about our kids not understanding our faith or truly knowing how to live it in their daily lives, I am going to turn back to this photo and remember the anticipation and excitement of Easter morning and seeing the cross unveiled. And if they are ever wondering, I am going to use this photo to explain what it is and was they were anticipating in this photo. It was a moment for me as a mom to cherish. Back to the rest of our day…
My alarm went off at 5:30AM to get ready for church and by 6:45AM, thirteen of us were out the door of my parent’s house, showered, dressed and mud-free, a few singing in the choir and others filling the pews. By 9AM, we were fed from the church Easter breakfast.
We headed over to Grandpa Sonny and Grandma Nola’s house where the Easter Bunny every year hides shelled peanuts all over their house. All over, in every nook and cranny. It is quite an adventure…and a bit competitive on who gets the most peanuts in their bag.
Good thing we have my brother-in law, police officer to keep down my brothers and our teenage son so the girls got a chance at peanuts.
Miss E and Miss A had some coaching from expert peanut hunters like Auntie Kirsti but they learned quickly to find the secret spots.
Auntie Kirsti snapped a few pictures outside for us. Above is our best attempt in windy Easter morning family picture. Note the big boy in the middle is officially bigger than both of his parents.
An Easter photo shoot of sorts with Auntie Kirsti behind the camera…with the store bought tulip as a prop. Let’s cross our fingers we’ll have tulips in our gardens blooming soon with the sunshine we had today.
Following an Easter feast…Miss E and Miss A played with their cousin friends.
Miss E decided 15 month old Big T needed an indoor stroller ride and plopped him right in. He obliged.
Miss N just had a birthday. She’s 4 years old now and Miss E loves playing with her.
It was a glorious Easter, filled with many blessings and laughter. But the memory forever burned into my mind remains…the timpani rumbling and the anticipation of the trumpet fanfare.
To God be the glory.
Happy Easter.
sweet. glad your family had a great day. and hiding peanuts! now THAT’S neat!
Looks like you had a great family time, Katie! I especially like that you let the girls play in the mud with their Easter dresses on! What great memories! Tell Hunter good luck today at the track meet!
I love Easter morning church! But I get so choked up these days I can hardly sing my favorite hymn. Happy Easter to the Pinke’s!
Jen Starcevic
Very sweet, it’s important to have good values! And i love your little gal in that dress!
Oh My Gosh! Steve and I LOVE the pic of your girls in their dresses and boots! You are an awesome mom to let them enjoy the moment! I would probably have had a hissy fit unless I caught myself in time!
Looks like all your snow is melted too! That is cause for celebration! I hope you don’t have any more!
Sunrise service is one of my most favorite services of the year….along with Candlelight Services on Christmas Eve, of course! 🙂