Post blizzard and our weekend plans changing, our only venture out of our house and yard came today to go to church. The weekend at home gave us ample family time plus an opportunity to get all the laundry done…a first…this year. I also cleaned out my home office, another first for the year.
While I cleaned my office, Hunter practiced piano.
“Better Is One Day” by Matt Redman is a song he played.
It is a beautiful song and with a little prying Hunter allowed me to record it for you to enjoy.
It’s under 3 minutes total and will start off your week on a high note.
Plus he LOVES to read your blog comments. So help this mom out a little and encourage him in his piano playing.
Farmchick says
*clap, clap, clap* Excellent job Hunter!!!
P.S. Girls love a guy who plays the piano. No joke….
Wanda Zimmerman says
Oh Hunter that is just so beautiful. Please don’t give up playing and practicing as you have a natural talent. I so enjoyed this. Tell mom to have you play more and record more. Have a wonderful week at school. Wanda Z.
Beth says
Encore! Encore! You ROCK Big Country! 🙂
Sara Hondl says
Awesome job Hunter! Keep up the good work. All the hours of practicing are not fun at all, but it will be fun when you can pick up any book and play any song in it. Plus someone has to accompany your uncle.
LaLaLand says
Hunter James you brought this Auntie to tears again with your beautiful piano playing. What a gift. I’m so thankful for you. And you chose such a great song. I’m excited to hear more–maybe at the birthday party Thursday?? Love you lots and lots.
Prairie Mother says
Great job Hunter! My boys enjoyed hearing you play…and I enjoyed your sassiness 🙂
Anonymous says
Excellente, Hunter!! You now only play well but you play music that speaks truth to your heart!! Fun to “see” you again Hunter. You look so grown up…!! Come and see us sometime!!
R and “boys”
Neil says
That’s awesome, Hunter — YOU ROCK! But, holy cow, it seemed like half of that song was on the black keys. Very impressive.
Just make sure you keep playing (especially if your fingers are even close to as long as your mom’s). I took lessons for 10 years, but stopped when I was 14 … and have trouble playing any newer songs than way back then.
I’ll be sure to show this to my seven-year-old, Jack, as motivation for him. Here he is after five months —
Anonymous says
I can’t wait to get my kiddos into piano! You are great Hunter! Athletic, smart, and musical…a jack of all trades! Keep it up!
Jen Starcevic
My two acres says
Sassy, but sweet, and a very good piano player!! Keep it up, Hunter!!
Roxy Henke says
So enjoyed the “concert” Hunter! Way back when, when I was fussing about taking piano lessons ‘everyone’ told me, “Someday you’ll be glad you did.”
They were right.
Keep it up!
Anonymous says
Excellent job Hunter! Keep up the good work. Loved the song,so nice and relaxing. thanks,Hunter.