Our last minute Christmas preparations in the last 24 hours are all getting us ready for our family celebration tonight.
We have wrapped and wrapped. Then we filled two vehicles and a snowmobile trailer.
Miss E made sure she emptied any and all money from our Advent house and properly placed it in her piggy bank. First come, first serve and she didn’t share.
This morning Miss E practiced guitar with Uncle Robbie. She is planning a duet with him for our family Christmas program tonight.
Miss Anika found my (old school) Strawberry Shortcake telephone. She is calling everyone that isn’t here yet to make sure they make Christmas Eve candle light church and arrive at the last minute.
Love those curls.
Miss E’s phone is a remote control. She is also making last minute Christmas phone calls.
My music man is organizing his last minute Christmas music for this evening’s family program and is sure to play beautiful music for us. He also has gone on a Christmas Eve snowmobile run this morning.
There is fresh powdery snow all across the prairie and it is perfect for snowmobiling but not road trip travel.
Our teenager and I went Black Friday shopping together the day after Thanksgiving for about an hour to one store in a small town Minnesota. That was enough shopping for him. He bought a handful of gifts and together we are doing last minute wrapping…a month later. Boxes with gift tags is about the extent of his wrapping.
It’s “serious business” as he said. These last minute details will all come together.
My mom is in the kitchen with grand smells coming from the oven and stove. My dad is putting as many leaves into several tables to get ready for our family feasting and large group.
Together we will soon celebrate peace, joy, love and the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
And if all goes according to plan, this guy should be coming for a visit.
Merry Christmas from our corner of the prairie to you and your family.
Merry Christmas, Lukens/Pinkes!Hope your Holiday is grand!
Plllleeeeease get video of E and Robbie’s duet!
Warm hugs and wishes from Kansas,
The Gronbergs/Kolell’s