Today Miss Elizabeth was crowned the Birthday Princess as she turned two years old.
She took it all in by announcing this morning “It’s my bertday! I be two!”
Miss E had two birthday shirts to wear today. One for Lori’s daycare and one for her party tonight at our house. Our friend Florence came over with a gift for E. The amazing connection Florence has to our family is that she was my Grandma Nola’s little sister in their college sorority. AND Florence was a bridesmaid in my grandparent’s wedding in Aneta, ND 58 years ago. When we moved to the prairie into our tiny rental house, Florence showed up on our doorstep with goodies to share. She now was our next door neighbor and of course remembered meeting me at my grandparent’s 50th wedding anniversary party. My grandma and she have kept in touch through Christmas cards since college and now see each other on more occasions when my grandma comes to visit us. Florence and her husband Alvin are special friends to us. It truly is a small world.
I become a birthday baker last night and E brought these to daycare today. I can relate to the Christmas season birthday. My mom used to make similar looking cupcakes for me when I was a child. It was fun to make them for Elizabeth. Every child got one at daycare today for a special treat but Miss E smiled her way into getting a second. It was HER birthday after all.
Rather than host a party this evening with a house full of kids, we just had Elizabeth’s best buddy Emerson and her family over for dinner plus Gma Carol, Gpa Eldon and Auntie Kirsti.
Auntie K was my life saver. I had a host of work related calls and things to get done and she showed up this afternoon and decorated, wrapped a few gifts and got things organized like she loves to do.
Emme and Elizabeth had their own special birthday table next our table.
Blowing out her candle with Gpa Eldon!
We had individual cherry chip cakes in mini foil star shaped pans with cherry buttercream frosting. That would be MY favorite cake and I’m sure it will be E’s too. And not a cherry cake mix. You need to chop up your own maraschino cherries. I think every girl has to love pink cake with pink frosting.
Gifts galore. Last year we had to do a lot helping with birthday present opening. Not the case this year. Elissa is independent. And loved her gifts!
Hunter likes it when Emerson comes to play with Elizabeth because that means Emme’s older brother Noah will come to play with Hunter. They are classmates, teammates, great friends and despite being typical twelve year boys do enjoy 2 year old birthday parties!
Gpa Eldon and Gma Carol rolled in a wagon with a canopy for Miss E. The girls had rides around the living room and Elizabeth wanted to throw candy to all of us. She remembered from seeing parades that is just what you do in a wagon. Hilarious. E shouted to Gpa “Go faster Boppa!” Grandpa got a good laugh from that one and said “You are definitely Nathan’s daughter!” Fast boats, fast pick up trucks, fast snowmobiles, fast power tools. Nathan likes speed to get from point A to point B and he likes things to work in most efficient and effective ways. No wasting time. And so does our two year old. She doesn’t know about fast pick up trucks yet…thank goodness but she likes fast wagon rides. There is nothing leisurely in Elissa’s world. She is busy–and prefers getting from point A to point B as quick as she can…all the time.
You might see this wagon decorated next May in Kirsti and Mike’s wedding. Anika will be sitting in it as a little flower girl with walking flower girls Elizabeth and cousin friend Nevaeh pulling her down the aisle.
A quick good bye to Auntie K and then back to new games and toys.
Being two years old now is hard work. Our big girl was all tuckered out tonight but she managed to have a good recap of her evening on the phone with Auntie Lori.
What a whirlwind two years it has since Elissa was born! And we wouldn’t want it any other way.
Happy Birthday Elizabeth Carolyn Jane! We love you very much. More than you will ever know.
Happy Birthday Elizabeth Carolyn Jane! We love you very much. More than you will ever know.
Happy Birthday Elissa!! Nothing better than Christmas-time birthdays!!
Looks like so much fun…I’m tired from just looking at the pictures!! She is definitely busy, busy, busy…her and rody would have a blast together–I just know it!!!
Happy Birthday Elizabeth. Looks like you had a wonderful day.
So fun! Happy Birthday E!
Jen S.
Happy Birthday once again! Katie, I am laughing at this post because of your love of pink. Elizabeth is cute, but your fascination with one color is something your brother finds very amusing.
Love the pink cupcakes with the peppermint candycanes!! Looks like you had quite a party!! How fun.
Love- RJM