Hunter’s birthday fun continued this weekend. Our longtime friends, Beth and Scott and their boys joined us Saturday morning at our hotel in Fargo for a few hours of water slide fun. Christian, Noah and Parker are brothers and Hunter used to spend time with them just about every day when we lived in Fargo. Plus Hunter’s friend Zachary came after his football practice and joined in on the fun. 
One person that does not miss out on fun is Elizabeth. She had no fear of the water slide and only wanted her daddy to take her “moh moh moh” down the slide which of course he did! We were in Fargo to attend the Reierson (my boss Roger’s daughter…and longtime friends) wedding and reception but the water slide wore Elizabeth out. She slept all afternoon and missed the wedding. E was refreshed and ready for the party by Saturday night though. She fully enjoyed more than her share of cheese from the hors d’oeuvres table, jelly beans from the candy station and plenty of raspberry sherbet punch.
Our buddy Parker. He was just a baby when Christian and Hunter started kindergarten together at Park Christian School and now Parker starts first grade this week!
Hunter and Noah getting in some water wrestling together.
Beth, Anika and I hung out poolside and chatted. The loud pool area did not phase Anika. She was a happy baby girl. I named Beth my “big sister” years ago. For our years that we lived in Fargo, she did all sorts of things for our family that only a big sister would be willing to do and still is always there for us. Although now most of our visits are too short! I am forever grateful to have a friend like Beth.

My parents were at the same hotel, also to attend the wedding. They took the girls to our hotel room after dinner last night. Hunter continued his full weekend of socializing with his buddy Bailee while Nathan and I stayed with Bailee’s parents Christy and Shanon and had a few hours of adult conversation at the wedding reception, something we rarely get a chance to do anymore! Of course we still were back at our hotel room by 10PM. Then Miss Anika Iris slept until 5AM to feed once and go back to bed and E slept until 8AM. Yes indeed we had friends and family time, socializing AND sleep. It was fabulously fun!
There are many of you we like to visit in when we visit Fargo but never have enough time in 36 hours to see everyone so next time we will see a few more friends. Late Friday night after we arrived and the kids were sleeping, Nathan met a friend, Steve, to visit. You might remember that last year around this time I asked you to pray for Steve’s wife Shelly who just been diagnosed with cancer. At the end of December, we attended Shelly’s funeral. On Friday night, Steve and Nathan had the chance to catch up on family, business and Steve’s life now with out Shelly. When Nathan came back he filled me in on his conversation with Steve. I shed a few tears as I was reminded that our time on earth is brief. Live life every day with out pause, with out hesitation, with out regret. Give love. Share your love and know that God has a greater plan that we do not always understand.

A blog side note:
I noticed this is my 300th post. Originally I set up this blog for a convenient tool to show our immediate family and a couple friends our house building and pictures of our kids. That was December 4th, 2007, the day our roof went up on the house and five days before Elizabeth was born. Never did I did I think this would become a pictorial journal for me and how I keep in contact with many friends and family across the country and globe like my friend Sunna in Iceland! The blog is not fancy with an original design. Often the writing is random, unorganized, raw and not edited. The pictures are not dolled up on photo shop but all originals! “The Pinke Post” has become my method to journal our life, share with you our growing children and family adventures, vent once in awhile and annually have it put into a book that our kids can look back on, probably laugh a bit at their mother but hopefully enjoy seeing their childhood through my camera and words.
I love getting your emails and notes that you follow the blog. Most of you are family members from around the country and many friends. And some are blog stalkers. It is okay. You can leave a comment. I allow anonymous comments so it is easy to comment for those of you who do not have accounts to log in through but please sign your name on your anonymous comment so I know who you are. (Example: my dad is a blog stalker who left a comment and I had NO CLUE it was him and thought it was my cousin Eric in Des Moines.) Once in awhile, I just like knowing who you are and that you are checking in with us.
Here is to another 300 posts and all that those posts bring…
As my mother once told my husband, “Life with Katie may not always be easy but it is never dull.”
The next 300 post will not be dull. I promise.
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