It also does not go over well when Elizabeth now does this to her nearly eight week old sister. “No nuk” she likes to say and pulls it out of Anika’s mouth. Until recently she would just take it and put it on the table or give it to me if I didn’t stop her soon enough from taking it in the first place. Now all of the sudden at 20 months of age, Busy Bits thinks she might be missing out on something if she doesn’t just give the nuk a try herself.
Yes, I sterilized this nuk for 2 minutes in boiling water in the microwave this morning before Anika got it back, in her crib where she is safe from her sister’s reach.
I often spend some time each morning with the girls upstairs and Anika’s room seems to be the best place for us. I can feed Anika or fold laundry if she is sleeping and keep Elizabeth in one secure space. There are only a few toys in the room but a cute cowboy table and chairs that once was Hunter’s that E and I have many pretend meals and tea parties at…more pictures of that later.

Mike and I laughed so hard at Miss E’s antics! Love that silly girl!