Additional photos from Anika’s Birth Day!
Nathan getting on his scrubs.
The safe arrival of Anika Iris Kathryn, getting all checked out by the nurse team. Daddy followed with the camera!
Two weeks early but she was ready to go and happy to arrive on her Canada Day birthday. My Canadian co-workers suggested famous Canadians to name our daughter after. But we agreed upon on Anika (pronounced Ahnika)…it has Scandinavian heritage combined with Iris who is a precious aunt to us and then we stayed with the double middle name that our other children have and added Kathryn which Nathan said is “after her mommy” and I think it sounds lovely for our precious baby girl.

Anika Iris Kathryn
A rare rare photo of what I call “Katie in the raw”. It was a moment though that I want to cherish forever, sweet Anika right next me as I was in recovery. No make up, no body lotion, no jewelry and there was no eating or drinking. I was quite excited for jello last night. And even more excited when I got moved up early to “soft foods” this morning = omelet and pancakes!

Congratulations! I had to check the blog and see if there was any baby news and sure enough, there she is! So happy for you. She’s beautiful!
Carrie Slanger
You look beautiful Katie. I can’t wait to mee Anika. Call me when you’re in town. Miss you.