Elizabeth’s “Mayme” (my mom) started her early yesterday on our morning necessity. Elizabeth each morning says “hot hot” and begs for some each day from Nathan or me. Instead she gets a sippy cup of 2/3 water and 1/3 orange juice, much to her disappointment. But E learned yesterday that if you whine to your grandma sometimes you get your way. She was savoring the scent, not really sipping but she definitely has inherited a love for coffee or at least a curiosity of what is in the cup! And we do not drink what I refer to as “German coffee” which in our little town is what most people brew. It’s a watered down version coffee than supplemented with cream or milk. We like our coffee thick and black. I call it diesel.
It was not actually Starbucks, just the mug. So don’t send me a message about Starbucks destroying the micro-economies of Central and South America because of their take over of small coffee farms in poverty stricken villages. A few of my friends I know boycotted Starbucks years ago. Remember I work in advertising. I love brands. You cannot argue with the Starbucks brand. The great thing is that I can buy Sam’s Club bulk coffee beans, put them into our grind and brew coffee maker (which actually my hubby does each evening for me and sets the timer for the early morning!), pour our rich hot coffee into a Starbucks mug and we can feel like we are sipping on a Starbuck’s coffee, despite the fact we are 100 miles from the nearest location.

Hunter says the coffee grinder going off in the morning sounds like a “machine gun” but he now manages to sleep right through it. Until Elizabeth is of coffee drinking age…we do not want it stunting her growth, she will keep drinking water, watered down juice and maybe finally learn to love cow’s milk. If you have any suggestions on getting the girl to love milk, let us know. She was a breast-fed baby, transitioned to formula than cow’s milk in a bottle but for many months now does not like cow’s milk from a cup. We give her milk in a cup a few times a day and she sips at it when asked to but for the most part, always prefers water. She eats plenty of cheese and yogurt but milk is a “no no” for Miss E. Tricks of the trade and suggestions welcome.
Now onto to me finishing my daily rationed cup of pregnancy coffee.
I love it!! I started drinking strong German coffee at an early age too and everyone always tells me that that is why I am so short. I always had to have my coffee with my grandpa Johnson every morning (during their lunch break on the farm) with a Chocolate Chip Cookie!! She is too cute with her coffee cup!!
The Blog Stalker strikes again but this time leaves a message! Love the coffee pics- wouldn’t it be fun to get the girls together?!! We need to get something on the calendar!
hmmm…not sure about the cow’s milk thing. I can’t get Rody to drink it from a sippy either…he loves it from a bottle, but looks at me as though I just gave him something awful when it is in a sippy cup…he likes it the other day when I mixed it with ovaltine…you could try that if you want to! But, then that is just another bear to deal with…he he
Love, love, love it! Lil Miss E is a girl after my own heart! Coffee=Yum. Milk, not so much! Have you tried a little chocolate syrup? Or (I know, I know) a shake that’s somewhat diluted?
I still have to get my calcium with a healthy drop of Hershey’s syrup, or of course, a full cup o’ joe!
Love from KS,