There are other grandfathers and great-grandfathers that have impacted our lives that I do not have digital or scanned photos to post. However, on this Father’s Day I am thankful for the generations of fathers both Nathan and I have had in our lives as well in our parents, grandparents and great-parents lives. Our dads have created an amazing family foundation for us and for our children. Our fathers and grandfathers have taught us our faith, how we live our lives every day, our work ethic, our priorities, to be disciplined, to be respectful and most of all, love. Love for our mother, grandmothers, siblings, family members, friends, neighbors, for our country and most importantly for the Lord, our Father. This foundation laid the ground work for us to raise our children up in way we were raised. It is a uncommon gift in this day and age. We are grateful. And I am truly blessed for the daddy in our house who loves and cares for our children every day unconditionally.
Love it! I just finished posting my own father’s day blog and then I went over to your blog and our blogs are so similar…yes, we have both been blessed with faithful fathers and have married faithful husbands…what a gift!
Love it! I just finished posting my own father’s day blog and then I went over to your blog and our blogs are so similar…yes, we have both been blessed with faithful fathers and have married faithful husbands…what a gift!
Love it! What a nice tribute!