Daddy helped us blow up and fill the the “Jungle Canopy” swimming pool this weekend. Elissa finally got to sport the hot pink swimming suit from her friend Ellie. Mixing water from garden hose along with kettles full of warm water that Daddy transported to the pool made for an afternoon of splashing fun for Miss E.
When you connect the hose to the tubing on the pool it creates a shower into the pool which was the highlight.
Cold water was not a problem. It was so much fun!

Okay may be it was a little cold. But she did not like turning the hose off so she once again gleefully played in the cold shower. You could hear her shrieks of joy for miles I think.

As you can see, it has been a great weekend at home. Yes home. No more weekend get aways. The only long drive Nathan and I will be making any time soon will be for doctors appointments and/or because I am about to have this baby! It is a real road trip to the hospital when you live on the prairie. My lack of sitting in a car ability forced us to miss the annual turkey barbeque in my home town this weekend. It is one of our favorite annual events and also a weekend where many family and friends come back and visit. To say I was disappointed to miss it all is an understatement. However, Hunter was able to get my mom to drive, drive and drive to come and pick him up so he could be there and it made the weekend even better when his best buddy cousins surprisingly showed up for the event too. Now it is back at it this week for Hunter with plenty of baseball, four games in a week. Sitting at baseball games is not a problem because I spend most of the time chasing after a busy girl or jumping out of my chair when something big and exciting happens in the game!

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