When you literally hit a brick wall…your teeth need a heavy metal wire to hold them together and to get them back in place. Hopefully they will stay in place and not die off but we will wait to see. Indeed, Hunter during his rambunctious play with the boys at recess yesterday landed his mouth/ face into the exterior brick wall of the school which led to a lot of blood, pain, swelling and yes all of his front teeth being very loose…enough to fall out and one front tooth was hanging on by a string. Thankfully I was home, took the call from the school, rushed Hunter to our local dentist who spent two hours working on him. (Dear hubby delivered me a patty melt and french fries for lunch…which was exciting for me the always hungry at noon pregnant mama. I had not lost my appetite.) Dr. Turman is a young dentist that moved here just last year to take over our local dental office. We were so overjoyed by him being here yesterday and we have a deep appreciation for his staff also. Hunter had obviously intense pain and his mouth was a mess but he is on the mend already today. Amazing what pain killer and antibiotic can do in less than 24 hours! The above and below pictures were taken this morning. Yesterday’s pictures from my phone are too gruesome to post. The swelling has gone down and Hunter is on strict orders of no contact until a week from Thursday when Dr. Turman will evaluate to see if he can play in an upcoming basketball tournament. In the meantime Hunter is bummed to miss his first wrestling meet of the season and a couple more meets next week. But he is not so sad to miss a couple weeks of playing his trumpet. Hunter’s “highlight” of this accident was my grocery shopping yesterday and cooking. Last night he had homemade mashed potatoes, a real chocolate malt (unaware that I still used light ice cream and skim milk) and a fresh and warm homemade blueberry turnover from Gma Carol. He was quick to point out “Mom you didn’t even make me eat vegetables tonight!”. Plus I bought him his favorite “sugary” yogurt rather than the low sugar/ high fiber yogurt I usually make him eat. And he had a frosted bismark with raspberry filling from the grocery store which we never have at home. Hunter was thrilled to skip out on school lunch today and take his lunch bag from home with an array of yogurt, pudding, mashed potatoes and other soft foods for lunch. Can you tell at all that this boy likes food? On another note, Princess Pinke likes wearing her “hat” as she calls it. Even while she eats her breakfast. You will notice it is light outside today while she was in her high chair. We have had three mornings in a row that she has slept until at least 7AM. Fabulous on all accounts. All smiles and she doesn’t even mind munching on bran flakes.
Thanks to my husband for fixing my camera. Take the lense off, put it back on= fixed.
Poor Huntley! What’s childhood without a knocked out tooth though right? I hope he makes a full recovery and like me has no trouble with his broken teeth. I just laugh everytime I see Elissa with that crown on. She loves being the queen! Now who does that remind me of?!? 🙂
The queen is hilarious. Katie, you used to wear a crown didn’t you? Don’t you still for old times sake? jkjk. Hope you are having wonderful time in that metropolis on the prairie.
The queen is hilarious. Katie, you used to wear a crown didn’t you? Don’t you still for old times sake? jkjk. Hope you are having wonderful time in that metropolis on the prairie.
Oh, poor hunter! That must have been quite a “hit”!! Thank goodness for your local dentist!!
Princess Pinke is about the cutest thing ever! 🙂
Poor Huntley! What’s childhood without a knocked out tooth though right? I hope he makes a full recovery and like me has no trouble with his broken teeth.
I just laugh everytime I see Elissa with that crown on. She loves being the queen! Now who does that remind me of?!? 🙂
Poor Hunter! I feel for him and pray he doesn’t lose any teeth!!!
Poor Hunter! I feel for him and pray he doesn’t lose any teeth!!!
The queen is hilarious. Katie, you used to wear a crown didn’t you? Don’t you still for old times sake? jkjk. Hope you are having wonderful time in that metropolis on the prairie.
The queen is hilarious. Katie, you used to wear a crown didn’t you? Don’t you still for old times sake? jkjk. Hope you are having wonderful time in that metropolis on the prairie.