Elizabeth quickly caught on that her brother and daddy were going outside this afternoon, she did not want to be left out of the excitement and went directly to the mud room. She found her snow pants, sat down on them and then proceeded to try to put her boots on her feet. Determined. Announcing her presence
Hunter getting a lesson on changing the spark plugs to achieve “full power”.
Auntie Kirsti used duct tape earlier this winter to fix Hunter’s ripped snow pants. We call them RED NECK snow pants now but they still do the job. And Elissa had layers of gloves on today…which was a good thing for those occasions when the first layer falls off, the little fingers are still covered. Hunter and Elissa are sitting in the huge snow wall Nathan made with the Bobcat. Hunter’s plan is to make a tunnel through it. He and his buddies have made a fort and bunker already and love all of the new snow. Last year we had a winter season of brown grass. Snow is so much more fun!
Nathan could not resist giving his ECJ her first ride on his Ski-Doo, making a very small and slow circle in the yard.
Hunter solo riding…with new responsibility comes big expectations and rules. And he followed them all and did great. Nathan makes paths for him in the hay fields to the east and west of our house and then Hunter follows them around, riding for miles and miles today.
Back inside, warm and cozy but still watching her brother from the window, Elizabeth shouted and giggled with glee. Easy entertainment.
The little speck…that does not look like a hay bale is Hunter.
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