Today Elizabeth Carolyn Jane is 11 months old. She is growing up so quickly and changing every day. The biggest milestone of the past month has been taking her first steps on October 30th and now walking. Another milestone is vocabulary. We refer to it as “word of the week”. “No no no” were the words of choice for much of October. Then it was “Hi”. She will say HI to anyone. Now it is more like “word of the day”. New words today were “hot” after we repeated to her to multiple times on multiples occasions yesterday so she would not touch my parent’s fireplace at the farm and the other new word is “cat” which she yelled today through the front deck door at my parent’s to the farm cats who all perch there waiting for my mom to feed them.
Elizabeth is so busy. Always on the go. This morning she was busy “watering plants”.
Oh my goodness! So sweet! I miss seeing those milestones but am so thankful for this blog and the pictures you share on it.