Karla and I before chowing down the beautiful sushi rolls at Origami. Look who we found in downtown Minneapolis! My favorite sister in law Lori was visiting some friends and going to the art festival. We all met up Saturday night. Fun times. Lori is coming to visit us for a week at the end of August. Girl time…Sara, Karla and I have many pictures like this one…only they recently the photos usually have our husbands and kids on them with us. I met Sara in 1980 or so our moms tell us and we have been friends ever since and I met Karla when she was Sara’s suite mate in 1995 and then room mate at UND for five years. Eventually they lived with Hunter and me in Grand Forks. Long time friends. We had a great time sharing sushi, laughs and of course shopping. Remember our very pregnant matron of honor at our wedding? Yes that was Sara and just a few days after our wedding Samuel Cole arrived. Sam showed us his swimming pool when we got to Sara and Scott’s last Friday. Karla and Josh’s son Kaden was born two days before our wedding a couple years ago. Between the three of us as friends we had two babies and a marriage in less than five days. Ah the memories…
That was a great weekend. Can’t wait for the next girl’s weekend.