Elizabeth turned 8 months old on 08.09.08!
And what is that you see in the background? Wheat wreathes? Yes Mama Jane is at it again. This time though not for a wedding. It is for the 36th annual Little Falls Arts & Crafts Fair held September 6 & 7 in Little Falls, MN. It is one the largest arts and craft fairs in the Midwest.
She also is making Christmas wreaths. 100% of the proceeds go to Jill (Bergan) and Brian Erlandson to defray the expenses of adopting a child from Kazakhstan. Jill is the daughter of my mother’s longtime friend Ava and our dear family friend. Please mark your calendars now to attend. It is an easy drive from Fargo, Grand Forks or Minneapolis area.

Only grandmas let grandchildren EAT roses. My mom has 60+ roses in her garden and the “Double Delights” have always been my favorite. Elissa clearly thought they were pretty enough to eat and felt good in between her toes.
Our happy 8 month old baby girl. She is babbling away these days and was thrilled when “Hata” as she calls her big brother came home tonight.

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