With conflicting team calendars, our school decided to move up Homecoming this year. We are celebrating this week instead of later in the fall and I am writing about it in my weekly column, published online here this coming Saturday, September 12 or for those you getting the print version of Agweek, find it in your mailbox. Since it is our son’s senior year, I am trying to get back into blogging those big moments I want to remember. For the past few years I went away from sharing them here for no other reason than time. I wanted to live in the moment and not spend hours documenting the moments of parenting. Plus if you have ever heard me speak you know I have a social media rule: I don’t share a lot about my teenager in social media.
It’s on purpose. Being a teenager is difficult enough without your mom sharing the highs and the lows. I am grateful my mom didn’t blog my high school years! It would have been an eventful drama production. What you see in social media about Hunter is a highlight reel. Here’s a Homecoming highlight reel of coronation this week.
Game show time. Hunter and his classmate and longtime friend, Lora won, knowing the most answers about one another.
Jacob and Hunter sharing about their football team and the upcoming Friday night Homecoming game.
Lora is 2015 Homecoming Queen! All the girls were so beautiful and gracious.
Hunter was crowned 2015 Homecoming King, alongside his classmates and friends.
He had many thanks to share which I write about in my column so I can’t spoil it for you today!
Jamie and Noah
Rebekka and Arron
Brooke and Nick
These kids are a part of a class of 20, which is really like a large family. They know it’s their last year together and I think are taking it all in as seniors. Special moments and memories to remember.
Friday afternoon is the Homecoming parade before the big game. I’ll hopefully hear the band, grades 7-12 marching and practicing today and will throw open the windows to listen and remember back to five years ago when junior high boy looked up at me from his trumpet.
We can’t go back to that parade so we will cherish this week of small-town homecoming festivities and love the final year of Hunter in high school.
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