A parrot made her acting debut last night on the prairie.
Sometimes she is a nervous girl. It took some coaching to be brave to try out for Blackbeard The Pirate. But Miss E did and she absolutely loved her first ever acting performance.
The Missoula Children’s Theatre comes to our small town school once a year, thanks to the savings of Box Tops. Yes those little pink squares on your groceries. Save them! Please send them to Miss E for the next ten years! We will use every single one for the arts in our school:
Elizabeth Pinke PO Box 356 Wishek, ND 58495Remember FIVE years ago when I asked for box tops for Hunter? Princess and the Pea was his acting debut.
In sixth grade, he was King Arthur.Every box top has been used to bring the Missoula Children’s Theatre to our small town through our Wishek Education Association’s work and help.
While we might not have a year round theatre program like larger towns offer, our small town offering this theatre program to our children is vitally important. It leads kids to be active in our drama, speech and music programs in grades 7-12.
The arts are equally important to athletics. Actually, as Hunter will tell you, in our house, they are more important. He received an acting award at Regional Drama this past year. I believe it was the Missoula Children’s Theatre that sparked his interest in drama. Even though he loves basketball more than any other activity right now, he will have the chance to participate in community plays as an adult and be playing music long after his athletic years are over. Which is why he still goes to weekly piano lessons despite all the “busyness” of his teenage life.
Now we are starting a new chapter with Miss E and in a couple years, Miss A. They have opportunities in theatre, music, speech, drama in our small town. I think it is unique. Our small town is not typical of what stereotypes might think of as rural, small towns. We are vibrant. We are growing. We are rural. Very rural. But we have young families choosing to make their homes here and invest time into their kids. Miss E just had another new student come to her class yesterday. She has 5 more students in her class than her daddy graduated with 20 years from the same school. Most importantly, we have a school and teachers that care about our kids.
So before you throw away another box top off a box of macaroni, take 15 seconds to cut it out and save it for Miss E and her scores of friends. You are making a difference for each and every one of these kids on the prairie. Here are a few other snapshots I captured from Blackbeard The Pirate. Enjoy!
Miss E is awaiting your box tops. Feel free to leave her a comment below. She can read now and will be awaiting them.
I’ll be saving! Wish I could have been there!
Love these photos! We are so proud of you Miss E!!
Love, cousin Nola, Auntie K and Uncle Mike
Great job E! You are a super parrot.