Today Miss E is six years old. She was “born” on this blog and I tracked her every move since birth. Her official name is Elizabeth Carolyn Jane. Her nickname is Elissa at home but she decided in preschool last year she would go by Elizabeth in school. Her younger sister calls her Lizzie sometimes and she doesn’t mind. And most often on this blog, I refer to her as Miss E.
When I gave birth to Miss E six years ago it was a big moment just like it is for every mother. It had been ten years since I had a child. What I didn’t know is how a daughter and now two daughters would change me so much for the better. Six years have skipped right along and I am so grateful for the joy Miss E brings our lives.
Elizabeth looks like me and wore the dress my mom made me for my first birthday on her first birthday. But her personality has more structure and detail to it than mine does. She is more like her daddy in personality.
Elizabeth and her daddy love to build things together and love any outdoor activity they do together, including water biking in the ocean, which they did for the first time this year, on a stop from the Disney cruise we went on.
Sometimes though I see my daughter and I see myself as a child. Like when she is jumping and playing the hay bales with Uncle Jim.
She is a farm girl. Her only request for her birthday was a “pink tractor” birthday party which we are going to do today at our local bowling alley with ALL of her classmates.
Her birthday party was at the bowling alley last year when she turned five and she asked for a repeat this year. There aren’t many options on the rural prairie for winter birthday parties. Bowling is one of the best activities we can do when it is below zero outside like it is today!
Elizabeth has taught me to have joy in the moment. She has sparkle and full of new ideas.
Elizabeth is rarely difficult and approaches most of life with a cautious plan. She doesn’t like unexpected interruptions. She likes follow through and there is NOTHING she forgets. That is quite opposite of me but Elizabeth has changed me. She forces me to have a plan and pay attention more to the details.
If it were up to Elizabeth, she would put her plan for a day on a list, attach it to a clipboard and we will follow her instructions. But she has learned life doesn’t always work that way. I do make more lists than ever before. Her example is raising the bar around our house.
Elizabeth reminds me the importance of being fancy and to enjoy the little girl moments with her. This year she was a flower girl with her sister in my brother and sister-in-law’s wedding. She sparkled and the photo of her melts me. You see her sincere heart of gold right through it.
Miss E’s sense of style is authentically her own. We spend time every day picking out her outfit for the next day. I have learned I have little to no say anymore of how she dresses but I love her personality developing. However, I talked her out of leg warmers over her jeans last week. But I know some day I won’t be able to.
Time passes so quickly. Sometimes I want my 2-year-old Elizabeth back.
Or my three-year old Elizabeth to come give me hugs.
My sweet four-year old Elizabeth is in the past.
But she will always be a special and beautiful baby girl who changed me as a woman and mother forever. I slow down more to be in the joyous moment with her and treasure the new six-year-old stage of life we get to spend with her.
Tonight after blowing out candles at the bowling alley “pink tractor” party, she will sing in her first elementary music concert. We are so thankful for our sweet and sincere Miss E.
Love this girl!!
She sure is a cutie. Love those long eye lashes. Happy 6 th Birthday Miss E. Don’t grow up to fast. 🙂
So nicely written blog depicting the true feelings of a mom…My daughter is five and a half years old and believe me! My feelings are exactly the same. Daughters bring so much happiness. I love the line “Elizabeth has taught me to have joy in the moment”. And yes, the pictures of your daughter are adorable. Happy Birthday to cute Elizabeth!