It is National Bullying Month. Leading by example is critical and today I was inspired by a LaCrosse, Wisconsin news anchor who stood up to a bully trying to take her down by an email addressing her weight and obesity.
“Do not let your self worth by defined by bullies…the cruel words of one are nothing compared to the shouts of many.” -Jennifer Livingston
I am not going to relive my bullying experiences on this blog. They are in the past. They hurt. But what I do know is we have to stand up, even when others are not rallying around us. We have to share our voice. Bullying is often not taken head on and addressed. But when it is, I think the world is made to be a better place. Sometimes bullies do not even know they are bullying. Sometimes bullies think they can keep bullying because no one will ever blow the whistle on them. Bullies needs accountability. Bullies also need forgiveness if they are sorry and change their actions. And bullying doesn’t just happen to kids in our schools. It happens in the work place with adults as Jennifer Livingston highlights.
I respect Jennifer Livingston, a woman I have never met and only have watched on a YouTube video for 4 minutes. She knows who she is and who she is not. She did not use the internet as a weapon. She used the internet for good today. She was willing to show all of us what it is to be a professional, a wife, a mom with a voice and woman who stands up to say this is not okay. This is not acceptable. This is bullying.
Lead by example. Share your voice.
a very good share. thank you, katie.
I will tell you – as a professional woman who has often been judged by the size of my backside opposed to the size of my heart and my abilities – I am in awe of her today. It isn’t often you see someone handle that type of criticism with such grace and class. She reminds of us the lesson we were taught in kindergarten “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you”. I have struggled with my weight my entire life and I have been on the receiving end of very similar notes and emails.
Good for her for reminding us that our character is formed at home. And good for you, Katie, for highlighting that lesson, too.
At a very young age I was taught that we are not to judge others by what we see on the outside. That it is NEVER okay to make hateful comments about a person’s size, race, religion, or appearance. People are often times much more than what we “see”.
Thank you for posting this. Attention to this matter needs to be constant in order to stop it.
Perfect!!!! A great post and timely. I agree with The Ag Chick completely…having the same issue often.
Such a great post! Bullying is just wrong and it is in all age groups, not just kids. It is horrible for ANYONE to be bullied. Glad she stood up and made her voice heard in such an inspiring way. Sad world that people feel the need to put others down to make themselves feel better.